Nurse Jackie: Who's watching?


Basically a working mom version of House, but surprisingly witty, fun, and yeah, kinda dark.

Anybody? Hello?

Never heard of it. What channel and time does it show?

I caught the first 2 episodes on OnDemand at my guy’s house this past weekend. I really liked it. Too bad I don’t have Showtime here at home and won’t be able to keep up with watching it.

Nurse Jackie is on Showtime Mondays 10:30pm EST, right after Weeds. It stars Edie Falco, also known from the Sopranos.

I would describe this show as: fucked up, awesome, dark, funny, kinda sad. All pretty simple words but IMO all accurate. If you are a person who tends to like premium cable shows (more bad language, darker or weirder/more fucked up scenarios, etc) I would recommend giving this one a shot.

Oops, meant to provide a link. Showtime website.

Mondays, 10:30 PM, and whenever they repeat. Ep 1 appears to be watch-able online.

I’m watching. I’ll give most anything from Showtime or HBO a shot. So far I really like it. I’ll definitely stick around since, like most shows from those two stations, it’s better than 99% of what’s on the networks. I can’t wait to see the characters develop more.

I haven’t seen this week’s episode yet, but I like it well enough. I don’t know that I’d watch if Edie Falco wasn’t starring though. She makes it believable.

Well, this time of year it’s better than everything on the networks, since there ain’t anything on.

At least next month Eureka and Torchwood should be starting up.

I want a Thor of my own…

wooooo–as some of you know, I’m an R.N. This show is da bomb!! While I haven’t used drugs while on duty, I know tons of people who do. The disdain for the student cracks me up–they make you want to vomit!!! The only reason I, or anyone I know, went into nursing, was to make a living. Not to help people. Gimme a break!!! This show obviously has a professional nurse onboard as producer. There is no way the general public would think nurses could act as such. It is fantastic!! And a good job, Edie–this nurse for 30 years would accept you in a arrhythmic hearbeat!!!:stuck_out_tongue:

hellpaso, as far as I can tell, the producers/writers have no connection with nursing. In one interview Liz Brixius said that they read blogs and talked to ER nurses to get story ideas. At least one nurse is very unhappy about another portrayal of an addicted nurse.

I’m not nuts about it myself, just because addicts and alcoholics on TV are old hat. Just once I’d like to see someone in a stressful occupation cope without medication. There must be some. Somewhere?

I’m watching it because it’s a half hour, and there’s really nothing much else on. I like Edie Falco, and the show is well-written. However, she really reminds me of a married female House, if he were a nurse. They have the same misanthropic attitude, and her drug addiction is similar to his. I think Nurse Jackie and Dr. House would hit it off like a house a’fire.

Those of you who are watching: do you think Jackie is only sleeping with Eddie the Pharmacist for the drugs? Or is she in love with both him and her husband? She does seem to have a happy marriage (so far), aside from the affair.

I got the idea that she was only sleeping with him for the drugs. It was interesting in this week’s episode that her doctor friend reminded her to remove her wedding ring. I gathered from that that she knows Jackie is cheating. I wonder if she knows why?

Liked the first episode; forgot to watch the second. I get the feeling this is going to be one of those series I’m going to forget to watch because I can’t remember when it’s on.

For us it is easy because it is on right after Weeds. At this point I’m liking Nurse Jackie better than the new season of Weeds, though.

I think she loves them both, but she’s a junkie, so it’s hard to say what she really feels or loves at this point. When she found out Eddie was being replaced by a drug dispenser, she basically forgot to say “oh yeah, I’ll miss you too.”

Her doctor friend is my favorite so far. She seems pretty damn smart and I’d be surprised if she doesn’t know. Her nurse sidekick Mo-Mo probably knows too.

The show was immediately picked up for a second season. Guess we’re not the only ones who like it so far.

I wish I got Showtime or HBO or whatever it’s on because I think I would love this show. IMO it’s a bold move by the creators–the public very much likes its nurses to be seen only in certain lights. Jackie, for all her extremes (I’ve read some reviews) seems to be a very realistic portrayal of nursing in general.
The addiction stuff–I don’t know “tons” of nurses who use on the job. I would think the show would be interesting enough w/o that, but not having seen it, I can’t say for sure. Let’s hope she remains a functional addict.

I don’t have HBO or Showtime, but I saw the first episode online. Either Youtube or Hulu had it (it was authorized, not just uploaded by someone to be taken down later).

It’d on Netflix Watch Instantly, but only the first epi. I wonder how quickly they’ll get the episodes up.

I thought it was pretty good, but the drug granule interludes will get old quickly. Yes, I got it when she was laying on the floor holding the pill bottle. She’s an addict.

I’d like to watch it, but I don’t have showtime. I caught a couple of eps on On Demand. I love Edie Falco, and could see me really getting into it.

On a side note… What’s with the nursing shows lately? HawthoRN (Jada Pinkett Smith) just started playing with a ton of Fan Fare. I watched, expecting I was really going to like it. As it turned out, it seemed like it was all fluff, and filled with too many music montages.

I agree about “Hawthorne”. I wasn’t sure what to expect, and what I got was a bunch of stuff I’d seen a half-dozen times before. Didn’t really care about any of the characters, with the possible exception of the nurse with the prosthetic leg.

I liked “Nurse Jackie” a whole lot more. It was just more entertaining. And I’ve certainly never seen a medical TV show that had a character saying “Fuck you” to a patient’s severed ear and flushing it down the toilet.