NYTimes: "Shared Belief Euthanized"

A sign of the Apocolypse?!?!?!

Not in the Sports section:

Sorry for the loss of the animal. I didn’t know colic could be terminal.

“Colic” is a very general term referring to abdominal pain. Many colics lead to euthanasia. Horses cannot vomit. Eating too much grain at once, intra-abdominal strangulating lipomas, mild dehydration, rabies, etc can all cause colic.

Practically speaking, many colic cases that could be addressed surgically lead to euthaised due to economics.

Ah, thank you. Digestive problems killing shared beliefs sound like a commentary on how Congress can’t move bills through due to lack of compromise. Well, maybe in the NYTimes…:stuck_out_tongue:

The wiki page has a riculously long list of all the various types of colic that can kill a horse -

Colic is one of the leading causes of death in a horse. While it’s true that many types of colic can be cured surigically, it’s also true that surgery itself can be complicated on horses due to their need to stand squarely on all four feet in order to avoid laminitis (a potentially fatal illness caused by a horse laying down too much or not standing with their weight balanced squarely).

Horses are just sadly fragile beasts.

First God, and now Shared Belief.

Why, New York Times? WHY?

According to Dick Francis, a horse’s viscera is not connected to itself like humans’ are. Therefore, it can get all twisted around and obstructed way easier. Comeback is the name of the book where this is talked about BTW.

And here is a ridiculously long list of all the corresponding treatments.