Where can we hide the Board hamsters for safety?
Where can we hide the Board hamsters for safety?
How many hamsters would that take? We had a hamster. He wasn’t all that big. Sheesh.
And I am sure that the Board hamsters are protected by time release steel doors, barb wires, motion sensors… What?
Well, then, I am sure that they are protected by a deadbolted door, a chain link fence, and one of those little fake cameras that cost ten bucks, and… No?
Well, I am sure that the tin foil over the top of their cage offers much protection, at least from the aliens reading their thoughts, and I think the younger one can bite a little, when he is riled.
Poor little hamsters. Y’all are going to be someone’s hat.
Once, I saw this hamster, and it was looking kind of furry but in a sad sort of way, and it ws making eating movements with its mouth, but it didn’t look like it was eating, though maybe it was eating earlier but it didn’t finish eating yet, like it wanted to savor the food for a while so it kept chewing it, but it wasn’t really doing anything else, just sitting in a file of straw and breathing really fast, though it probably wasn’t real fast for a hamster since they’re pretty small, at least compared to people they’re small, and though don’t live as long as most people, too, and this hamster was looking around like it was looking for for something, but didn’t really care if it saw what it was looking for, it only wanted to keep looking for it, and then I thought that maybe it wasn’t really looking for something specific, but just for something in general becasue maybe it was bored, especially since it was ina cage, although I also thought that maybe it wasn’t really looking around at anything much since I once heard that hamsters don’t have very good eysight, though I don’t know if this true, especially since I’ve never seen a hamster with glasses before, but I guess they don’t really have ears the right shape for holding glasses on their head, although I suppose they could wear contact lenses, though they would probably need a person to put them in for them which would be difficult since hamster contact lnses would be so small that it would be hard for a person to see it and actually put themin a hamsters eye, and basically, my piont is, uh, yeah.
I don’t think a hundred hamsters would be nearly enough. I mean, if you squish them together you could probably fit a hundred hamsters into a shoebox; when’s the last time you saw a fur coat that could fit in a shoebox?
yoyo, could I possibly use that post in a flash cartoon for my website?
Hamsters run from man with Great Big Stick!
Now that is poetry.
May I be the first to point out that your link does not go (at least for me) where you think it does. And I’m doing my best not to say anything about your link that goes to a story about “sexual health problems among young people[in Scotland].” in a thread about hamster coats.
haha, lightingtool - ah yes, that’s a religious group getting all worried, I think. Hmm, not sure what connection they have with the hamsters, myself. Maybe this evil plot is more complicated than I first thought.
<scary scary music>
Silly BBC has moved the hamsters! Let’s see if this one works.
yoyo - My flabber is entirely gasted by that post. Do you need any dried frog pills?
I’m sure gonna miss the little guys…even the one that bit yoyo.
but I’m feeling much better now.