I enjoyed this on a level that is hard to explain. Just hard to describe why this is so awesome.
Because he sang so awesomely. I was still surprised at the beauty of Obama’s singing voice, even though his speaking voice is wonderful too.
Saw the clip a few days ago. I swooned.
Going to move this over to Cafe Society.
Seriously. Why was that so cool? Must be my Obamatron programing.
I saw the clip unexpectedly the other day on The Daily Show and didn’t know what to make of it. I was like “wait, what?” but it was over.
Today I heard it on the radio and I too was all swoon.
I was really surprised at the quality of his singing voice.
What’s incredible is how apeshit angry some conservative talking heads are about this. Apparently until the economy is fully recovered Obama should only be appearing in sack cloth and ashes and if he sings at all it should be a dirge. It really is amazing at just how little he has to do to piss off right wingers.
OBAMA IS NOT ALLOWED TO LOOK COOL. Especially not during a campaign season, god dammit.
OK, but seriously, how cool was that? At the Apollo, too!
I wish he had done a few more lines. Not the entire song. Just a few more lines.
Crikey, what a great time to be an American
Then he would be in real trouble, wouldn’t he? I mean, this cat is made of cool.
No, it’s your Al Green programming. I’m still singing along. When a president gets a white dude singing along it has to be righteous.
I’m stealing that.
That was bitchin’ on sooooo many levels!!!
A pity Cee Lo wasn’t there; I’d love to hear him sing a couple of bars of Forget You, preferably the original, just to watch Hannity, O’Reilly, Santorum, and Glenn Beck all spontaneously combust.
Phbttt! Let me know when he starts playing the saxophone, then we’ll talk about cool.
He could have had a bad singing voice and it still would have been cool.
Obama sings Al Green at the Apollo.
He was at the Apollo.
And suddenly Al Green’s greatest hits album is back on the charts.
He is the coolest ever. I saw this days ago and I’ve watched it numerous times. How can people not like him? I truly don’t get it.
He’s black, smart, and The Boss of Everything.
Any one of those things is enough for some people to not like him.