I personally haven’t lost any pregnancies, but:
My grandmother lost her eldest daughter at age 3, to a “flu” which turned out to be pneumonia. Two years later, her second daughter got the exact same symptoms: the doctors handwaved it away, but she did not stop looking for second, third, ninth opinions until she found one who did not. My future mother spent some time in an oxygen tent (in post-war Spain, with a war waging next door, that can’t have been easy to obtain) set over her parents’ bed. The doctor was in ill health as a consequence of a childhood illness himself, which is why he’d gone into pediatrics. He could not make any strenous efforts, and while the house had a lift it was disabled (postwar restrictions): my grandfather, a tall, wiry-strong guy, would bring this thankfully-small man up five flights of stairs in his arms :eek:
My mother was sterile, or so the best obgyns said. She lost several pregnancies before I, the “miracle single child”, was born; at least two more between me and Middlebro. Several of my classmates had gone through similar things by the time I was told I’d be getting a little sibling, so my reaction to the news was “when?” “ok then” and that was it, as far as my parents could tell. I simply refused to get excited until I had that promised little sibling in my arms, period.
When he was 3, we were driving back from picking up our Christmas presents and I thought it was strange that he was slumped and silent, rather than bubbly and excited like he’d been in the morning. Littlebro wasn’t there: he was only 14 months old (15 minus 1 day exactly), so we’d left him with friends for the day. I touched Middlebro’s brow and said, as calmly as I could, “I don’t want anybody to get nervous but Dad, stop as soon as you can and we may have to turn around; Mom, Middlebro is BURNING.” We did indeed drive back; when we got to the ER, someone recognized us and said to call BestPediatricianInTown. Someone said “but he’s not on duty, it’s…” “it’s Don Julio’s nephew! You want to explain to Don Julio why we let the duty roster get in the way of getting the best?” Middlebro got the best, family having its privileges. Uncle Julio (a GP who was a surgeon in the war before getting back the grades from his first year in medical school) has been dead for more than 25 years, but he’s still a local legend both for his ability for diagnosis and for having a nuclear-grade temper; Middlebro is The Nephews’ Proud Daddy. The diagnosis? Pneumonia.
My father’s sister lost several pregnancies. All the pregnancies she lost and which were old enough to identify sex were girls. This includes one dead at birth and one which died just before birth (and those beastly doctors made her give birth! :smack: :smack: :smack:). She has three sons.