October 21, 2011: Another Doomsday Prediction

Remember back in May when the media made a big deal about Harold Camping, and his prediction that the world would end on May 21? Well that didn’t happen, so he revised his estimates to October 21, 2011… which by my feeble calculations is just a couple of weeks away!!!

IMHO, he’s full of ********, and obviously anyone who follows him after being wrong so many times is an idiot. But what do you think he’ll say when the world DOESN’T end on Oct 21st? Is he going to push it another few months back? Or will he come out and say that he is converting to atheism? How do people cope with being wrong about this kind of thing over and over again? Don’t they ever start to doubt themselves and their beliefs?

If the world WAS ending on the 21st, how would you spend your last day?

He will say one of the usual things that people in these situations say:

  1. It happened and the world was destroyed and we are only imagining our existence. This is a test from the Lord to see if we truly believe.
  2. The faith of his followers convinced the Lord to change His mind.
  3. It happened “spiritually.”
  4. His original prediction was made using mathematical calculations from clues hidden in Sacred Scripture. He has looked again and now finds Biblical authority that hexadecimal is the Holy Numerical System and has repeated all of his calculations using hexadecimal arithmetic and corrected his prophesy.

No, he will not become an atheist. He will simply dig his heels in deeper and use this experience to deepen his faith.

You might want to listen to his most recent speech. He’s already using weasel words like “probably”.

To repeat myself from earlier this year, to be fair, Harold Camping never said the world would end on May 21. He has always maintained, well, in this last prediction anyway, that May 21 would be Judgment Day and October 21 would be the end of the world, so his prediction hasn’t been revised.

That said, the events he predicted would occur on May 21st didn’t, so he was wrong in any case.

I predict on October 22, Camping will say the world did end, just not in a way that we could perceive, or some such mumbo-jumbo.

I kind of feel sorry for Camping and his followers because I suspect they truly believe Camping’s assertions, and have allowed their lives to be ruined because of it.

I feel sorry for them too. God should have blessed them with a few more brain cells so that they may not be suckered into such crap.

Harold Camping has now admitted the prediction was wrong and sinful though still part of god’s plan.

Family Radio will no longer make any statements about dates.

Here is a news story on it.

Oops, nm, didn’t realize this was all zombie talk.

Sweet. So is he going to give all the money back?

I think they should be treated like the false prophets they are and be stoned.

Actually the rapture happened on May 21 and we were all found wanting.