Octomom update: She's Still a Piece of Crap

Breeding is like war.

Its great fun practicing for it. Hell, everybody should do it and do it often. Good for mind, body and soul. Actually doing it should only occur when absolutely neccessary and only by people who know WTF they are doing.

Unfortunately, I think she’s only wearing that shirt because PETA pays her to wear their stuff. Seriously, I read somewhere that they had agreed to pay her to promote spaying/neutering.

Because it is possible to believe that a child’s life has value even if you disagree with the circumstances under which they were conceived.
I don’t see anyone here who thinks the kids ought to be killed now just because having them was a mistake and Nadya doesn’t want them anymore - the only difference is that a pro-lifer believes that our normal rules against killing should apply from an earlier age.

Legs in the air? I’m gonna need to see your license, please…

Before I was through reading the OP, I was thinking “She’ll decide she needs more kids.”
Best wishes,

Do you really believe she understands what the shirt even says, let alone means??
Best wishes,

If you’re thinking the grandparents are pitching in, I believe they wrote off their freak daughter before she had her last frankenlitter.

Apparently if you’re Nadya Suleman you don’t require sex to have kids.

Oh, **devilsknew **is going to be *so *mad at you.


I’m just practicing, I swear!

The Wiki article on her says she was married for a few years, but they weren’t able to have kids. She was desperate to have them but her then-husband didn’t want to do IVF.

So… she managed to get a husband without dating? I guess she might mean someone introduced them and they hit it off, that’s a little different than the “going out to meet someone” type of dating.

Medically, how are the eight-some doing? Are they at least physically OK?

A conversation with that woman is something that I would make into a rage comic. In fact, this story has given me a wonderful idea for a rage comic, thank you!.

The sad thing is that even if they’re adopted out, I don’t think you could split up the older set (six?) at this age. Where are you going to find someone willing to take on six kids at once?

I would make a face that looks something like David Silverman (President of American Atheists) in his interview with Bill O’Reilly. You know the one. It became a Reddit meme?

Here’s the link

But if not for Caillou, my favorite non-X-Files fanfic ever wouldn’t exist.

Given that other folks who have had litters have been given houses, TV shows, etc I can see how dingle brain here thought she wouldn’t be stuck raising all these kids on her own, without money.

Because, unfortunately, it is her right to have as many babies as she wants.

Because the pro-life groups don’t care about the fetuses once they are born!

I think she was employed at the time - she had Kaiser insurance so unless she was paying for her own coverage, she must have had a job at the time of the IVF.

Wearing that shirt means she is as stupid about dogs and cats as she is about children. It also means she is just a shill for PETA.

I’m not sure if that’s funny, ironic, or incredibly stupid.

More kids will solve everything! It always does!

This thread has given me my latest billion dollar idea – The Train Wreck Channel for basic cable. We give poor wretches like the Octomom reality shows as a form of welfare. Her, the balloon boy family, some of those Real Housewives, etc. We can all tune one of them in any time to remind ourselves that at least we don’t suck as much as them.

And we get Maury and Geraldo and Jerry to have a weekly roundtable about… eh, does it really matter? Basically to judge them, insult them, and think up new ways to humiliate them in exchange for small cash prizes.

“But Mr Minister, this isn’t the first troublesome thing to come out of Canada. Let us not forget Bryan Adams.”
“Now now, the Canadian government has apologized for Bryan Adams on several occasions!”

And what about Brian Adams?