Octopus here's your own thread to shit all over

I guess I forgot about that one. His response was kind of pathetic too.

Personally, I found “how is living while black in America working for you” probably the most honest example of his inner racist motherfucker coming out.There’s just Trumpian levels of petty childishness in that one sentence… Reminds me of Palin’s “How’s that hopey, changey thing working out for ya?”, too.

You think it’s racist because you are borderline retarded. Not that that’s your fault. Your pathetic gossiping and trolling, however, you could control.

Potty mouthed hypocrite.

If I’m a troll, by all means, fucking report me.

Not that you would, because you *know *that’s just your own projection. And there’s that fear that if you attract mod attention right now, you’ll be fucked.

But prove me wrong, motherfucker. If I’m a troll,* report me*.

As for the “gossiping”? So fucking what? Still bitter you can’t get a board war started. you pitiful little asswipe? Even your hero treads lightly there. Oh yes, he’s there, though. Popped up there after a long silence, as soon as he was banned. Must eat you up that there’s a place where racist troll scum like you aren’t coddled, like here. Well, coddled up to now. Tick-tock, motherfucker, tick-tock…

Sincere Regards,

No, it’s racist because you are telling people, based on nothing more than the color of their skin, that they should either accept being treated with contempt and violence, or they should leave the place of their birth.

You don’t condemn a society who treats minorities poorly, but you instead condemn the minorities for staying.

There is no defense for that. That is hateful and racist, because you are hateful and racist.

But other than that, you seem nice. /s, in case you really need it

SILENCE! Imbecile.

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Dude isn’t even hiding his racism anymore. He’s openly mocking antiracists in the fluent minstrelese of a life-long racist.

Okay, I’m convinced (he also used the Nazi-pattern language “infested” to imply those on the left are vermin). https://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=22333142#post22333142

Hateful troll. Maybe in real life you’re a decent guy, octopus, but on this board you’re showing that you’re a hateful troll. That’s a choice you made, and it’s sad.

Our state, who art in Nirvana, hallowed be thy name…

What makes you say that?

You really think someone can be that hateful on-line and in real life they can be a “decent guy”?

No, in real life they’d just (possibly) be more circumspect. Won’t call your lovely wife the word to her face, won’t *openly *turn their nose up at your imminent mixed-race kid. But that “can have a beer with” yardstick Dopers like to toss out is bullshit, Andy.

If someone shows you who they are, believe them.

I’m probably a bit more optimistic about human nature (I’ve had a nice, privileged life and have generally been treated well by most), but fair enough. You might be right.

Yeah, his posts over in the Minnesota thread are really awful, even for him.

And, he calls them “urban Biden rallies”? WTF is that? Is that a new right-wing talking point? Is Trump going to blame this on Biden somehow?

nm, dup

Well, he was in the Obama Administration, and you know how Trump loves blaming Obama…

You snarky hypocrites need to stop your crying. Bone was right about you folks. You really love an environment where your double standards are condoned.

You disingenuous fools very rarely call out the nuts on your side of the ideological spectrum. Why? Because you folks are dishonest. You folks love to call people trolls yet spend decades stirring up shit in order to make fun of people. You folks engage in long campaigns of character assassination because messing with people online is nothing more than a game for you. You fools love to paint large parts of the population with overly simplistic brushes sometimes combined with explicit calls of violence.

Yes. I mock those who are anti first amendment and anti freedom of expression. They should be mocked. And, being in the pit or even elsewhere if applicable, when folks dishonestly cry racism, sexism, ____ism (hopefully the underscores aren’t triggering) then I’m perfectly willing to call it out as ridiculous.

You folks don’t even know what racism, sexism, or trolling are. These are just words you reflexively use to generate outrage. Brown bag is racist!!1 Manhole is sexist11! It’s not hard to nutpick when the nuts are so plentiful.

Anyways, I’m not sorry at all that I don’t like violent, destructive, evil anarchists. They are as bad as the Charlottesville nazis and so are their apologists.

See what you’ve all done?

You’ve triggered the octo-troll. He mad now.

I warned you this would happen.

At least Bone (and surprisingly enough, Bricker) had the perspective to recognize that their views were becoming increasingly indefensible in the cold light of truth, and both had the class to quietly bow out of this board.

And then…there’s Ock.

With the folks on the board? Mostly annoyed at the hypocrisy.

But I’m actually mad at the looters and rioters who have ruined a perfect opportunity to make real and necessary charge with regards to policing. Unlike the prison rape advocates and the mob violence advocates I’ve never been in favor of this extrajudicial punishment or barbaric criminal justice/penal system that we have in the US. It’s beyond bad and folks definitely have a legitimate grievance.

I’d even, maybe, vote (D) if there were a realistic chance to get rid of some of the most egregious abuses.:eek::eek::eek:

Views on what? On looting and torching occupied buildings? :dubious: