What strange things are hot to you and you don’t know why?
A man fishing. That’s got to be the oddest thing that makes me want to know that man in a carnal way. I will stare. I will breathe funny. My knees will get weak.
The muscle in a man’s jaw contracting when he thinks real hard. Swoon.
A man saluting. I never thought it was hot until I had a man teach me how to do it in bed. Now it’s smokin’.
A man doing physical labor. I have a hard time controlling myself around construction sites. Plain white t-shirts and jeans and good honest sweat. Yummay.
FTR, I’m a straight, 37-year-old woman. Who’s single, for any Doperman that happens to angle.
:mad: Hmmm…Tuscon? Well ok then. But if you venture into New England waters and find a man angling with his jaw set in thought…WELL HE’S MINE MISSY, HANDS OFF!!!
I don’t have anything else to add other than, competence is a powerful aphrodisiac .
**Blue or silvery eyeshadow, lipstick, women’s makeup in general. ** Pretty ordinary you would think but I’ve carried this weird fascination since kindergarten. I just like the way it looks on a woman’s face and its smell. When I was six or maybe seven, I actually scribbled on an old desk a list of women actors I liked and even included a pretty aunt. My mom saw it a couple of years back and said something like “Hey, you remember writing this down? I wonder why you did.” I didn’t say anything but that was pretty embarrassing. Oh, BTW, I am straight.
(Oh, maybe I revealed too much.)
Just people being good at things. I saw this hot bartender juggle a bottle like Tom Cruise in Cocktail - swoon. It doesn’t really matter what it is. Skill and confidence, it just slays me.
Men who can sing. I find that incredibly sexy, probably because I couldn’t sing my way out of a wet paper bag if my balls depended on it.
I really dig feisty chicks. The kind that just fuck with you for the sake of fucking with you. Holy moses. I also like women who make decisions while you’re watching them decide on what to do.
Women with “interesting” noses. Not grotesque, but interesting. I am sure this stems back to my first ever girlfriend who had a nose which looked like a small bird had smashed into her face. God she was lovely.
What turns me on only confounds myself and the rest of the world. It also changes on a daily basis.
Some days, it’s a man holding a teacup. Some days, it’s a woman in a long skirt. Some days, it’s my husband fixing a wobbly table leg. Some days, it’s a cloud that looks like a boob (or, a cupcake, but then I get hungry, not turned on.) Sometimes it’s a celebrity with a perfect neck, or slender fingers; another time it will be a clumsy, fumbling neighbour with short, stubby fingers.
Some days the grass is just the right shade of green, and I think it would be a good idea to go have sex in it. Some days the rain looks deliciously cold. Sometimes my gloves are tight and enhance the shape of my hand, and it makes me feel pretty.
I like really short men. I mean, not midgets, just men who are my height or maybe a little above, though I’d really rather be taller. Sadly, I’m only 5’3".
I like women who don’t feel like they have to gussy up. If they look like they put themself together in a handful of minutes and didn’t stand in front of a mirror for an hour, that’s the one. Don’t confuse this with a dirty hippy girl though.
If they look overly sexy (super short skirts, uber low-cut shirt, tight short-shorts, etc) that turns me off. A pair of Levi 501’s, light t-shirt, black leather shoes OR a longish dress and sweater… yum.
Girls in average cars. If she steps out of a monster SUV or brand new super sport car, I’m not interested. If she drives a funky British car or old Civic, i’m all over it.
Girls into tech are hot. If she can replace a hard drive, format, and install an OS - hubba hubba!
If they don’t care what people think of them, I’m attracted to them.