R rated dreams
This is by far the most violant dream I have had in ages…
I once dreamed a friend of mine hit this other guy to death - and I just watched it without doing anything, when at the end I saw that it was not him but me who had killed the guy.
But this one is worse:
It is the 19th century and I am in the army. I work directly for the queen who sends me to fetch her coat.
I cant find the coat, somebody intrudes and I kill them all by burning them on a balcony.
While they burn they fall down the balcony and die eventually.
When all the intruders are gone, I stand on the balcony and look down. I cant see the ground, cause the hole place is full of corps. There are also two friends of mine laying down there - and I realize I killed them too though they didnt belong to the intruders.
I scream - and my friends turn - they were only sunbathing inbetween the dead ppl.
And cruel.
Now… I feel like a soon to be serial killer or something like that with dreams like this.
Damn… I am fucked up.