I had ordered some of the Austrailian hair removal gel that’s advertised in late-night TV infomercial land (brand name deleted: But I figured that with the name, I’d be able to de-hair my nads. 'nuff said–okay, MORE than ‘nuff said). See, I’m hairy. Not just a little bit o’ peachfuzz hairy, but make-Sasquatch-do-a-Buckwheat-style-double-take-hairy. It’s my primary insecurity.
So I got this stuff.
Great product, BTW.
Unfortunately, in the infomercials, I got the impression that it loosened or dissolved the roots to make hair removal easier.
Boy was I wrong! It’s one of the most painful things I’ve ever experienced. My shoulders are still hurting. (no, I left the family jewels alone.) I mean it hurt like hell! Two inches square of hair being torn out at the roots at a time!?!? What was I thinking?
On the bright side, I now have one butt-cheek that’s as smooth as a baby’s…er, well…bottom. (I’m doing the other one tonight. This is a little-bit-at-a-time kind of activity)
But this experience has truly taught me something.
Anyone who thinks that women are the weaker sex should go get a bikini wax. That’ll change their mind in a hurry.
Just thought I’d share.
On a side note: does anyone know of a less painful way of getting rid of unwanted hair? (the creams like Nair™ don’t work on me)
Well, I have to admit to a certain amount of schadenfreude upon reading this…
Just kidding!
Why are you deforesting yourself? Do a search in IMHO, there was a whole thread in which women weighed in saying “hairy, smooth, we don’t care, just don’t go to extraordinary lengths to change yourself”.
I guess it’s too late now, if you’ve already cleared a buttcheek, and all.
I’ve heard sandpaper works wonders, followed by immersion in saltwater.
Hmm. Maybe women are just the weirder sex, for subjecting themselves to such pain? Too bad so many feminists are wasting time teaching women’s studies courses instead of trying to do away with pointless customs like this that affect only women. I for one could care less if my honey had hair anywhere.
My suggestion is to listen to magdalene and not bother.
Well, ever since I was 18, it’s been a bit of a burden. Some women find my furriness “cute,” others find it repolsive.
But it doesn’t matter to me what other people think of when they see the french-braid down my back ending in a 6" tail.
I find it pretty nasty myself.
But at least I’m not as hairy as my brother. He’s so shaggy he has to put deodorant on his back!
Here is the infamous body hair thread. I’m sure slythe loved reading that one. I seem to recall another thread in which Connor shaved his scrote - also a highly unpleasant experience.
Ewwwww…like when someone’s dreadlocks marry into one giant dreadlock.
Hey, if being un-hairy makes you happy, then go for it. Have you done this before? Have you thought about what is going to happen when it starts to grow back? The maintenance involved? You said yourself that it’s a little bit at a time activity - So by the time you get the whole bod done you’ll have to start over again. I removed the leg carpet last weekend (Hooray!) and it took 2 razors and nearly an hour. Have you thought about the itching of stubble? You are going to have to keep this up for the rest of your life, or else endure disturbing patchy stubbly phases.
Has anyone tried the burnt sugar treatment that middle eastern women use? I’ve always been curious about that, it’s supposed to work really well.
You big manly man, you.
Oh, I assume that you understood that the sea-water/sandpaper remedy is a joke.
I can tell you from experience that, while the Nair type products are not painful, they are not without side effects either. I have hair on my back, not a lot, just enough to be annoying. I’m fine with it, but my wife is not crazy about it. Well, I used some Nair to get rid of it and it was great for a while, then the ingrown hairs started cropping up. My wife said that she’d take a little hair any day over ingrown ones. So just a warning before you try it.
According to the 3 am TV plug, each time you use the stuff, the hair grows back thinner. The itching doesn’t bother me (In fact, I have had, at one time or another, every inch of my body shaved–head, pubes, eyebrows, what-have-you).
I remember the body-hair thread. It gave me the warm fuzzies.