My apologies to those whom the title phrase may offend, but OG has never cut it for me. It reminds me of the B.C. comic strip, and I just can’t take it seriously. So, at the risk of offending a few people, I repeat…Oh, my FREAKING God!!
What a night this has been! For those of you just tuning into my life, and that’s most of you, you will be unaware that my girlfriend of almost ten years moved out of our apartment, last night. I guess I can officially call her an ex, now. This had been coming for a long, long time, but it finally got here, last night. That’s just the lead-in, though.
Tonight, I drove up to Hampton Beach, NH, to see the Righteous Brothers. Okay, keep the comments to yourselves, please. I’m old, and I’ve always loved some of their songs, and Ticketmaster kept harassing me to buy a ticket, so I eventually gave in. I knew, at the time I bought the ticket, that my ex-GF would be gone around now, and I figured I should get used to doing some things on my own. They still had good seats left, so I bought one. I’ve never bought one ticket to a show, before, but that’s beside the point. But, it felt weird.
So, I get to Hampton Beach about an hour before the show starts. For those of you from other parts of the country, I don’t know if you have places like this. It’s an old resort area. Nice beach; lots and lots of tourist crap. I mean LOTS! Like, miles of it. The show was staged in the Hampton Beach Casino Ballroom. Yes, at one time, it really was a casino. Back in the days when it was a resort that attracted the upper crust of Boston. Nowadays, it mostly attracts middle class folks, and the only gambling is of the SkeeBall variety.
Anyway, having got there early, I wandered a bit. Checked out the beach; walked quickly away from the concert going on there; some group known as the ShowStoppers; massed accordions, if you can believe that. I couldn’t. Walked down the “boardwalk”, checking out the crap. And, happened to notice a sign saying “Dr. Harp” would be playing at a bar in the next block, that night.
So, to make a long story somewhat shorter, I saw the Righteous Brothers, and had a very good time, despite having to help the geezer next to me out of his chair, twice. FWIW, capsule review; Bill Medley still can belt out those awesome basso profundo notes, but is a little ragged on the softer stuff. Bob Hatfield’s voice is still smooth, but hasn’t got the range it once had, as one would expect.
After the show, it being only 10 o’clock, I decided to check out Dr Harp. I happen to be a huge fan of blues harp (harmonica, to the uninitiated), and figured that had to be the good doctor’s specialty. Absolutely right. And, not bad, either. I managed to snag a primo seat at the counter opposite the bar, and facing the band, and sat back to enjoy some more music. (Can you ever get too much music? I don’t think so.) And, NH is much more civilized than Boston, when it comes to bars. They still let you smoke!
So, I’m sitting there, enjoying the music, sipping my drink, and somehow the guy next to me starts up a conversation. I don’t remember how. But, his name is Mark, and he’s my new best friend. (If I can ever locate him, again.) He was dragged to the Righteous Brothers show by his GF, and had a terrible time. “Old people suck”, as he put it. Apparently, his geezer had an oxygen tube and a size 56 attitude. So, we’re chatting (if you can call it that, when you’re shouting in the other person’s ear) for about an hour, when a gorgeous blonde enters. Along with the stage, I also have a great view of the entrance, and this lady caught my eye immediately!
She was alone! She smoked! And, she took a seat, off by herself. And, stayed by herself, for quite a while. There was not a lot of pick-up action going on in this bar. It appeared to be mostly couples and groups. Otherwise, this beauty would have been scooped in a hurry. But, she wasn’t. In fact, she looked like she might actually like some company.
My new best friend, Mark (with a “k”, because Marc with a “c” is “ancient”) (Did I mention Mark was drunk?), has also noticed this blonde beauty. But, he’s there with his girlfriend (who is dancing with his…sister, I think he said). It would be hard not to notice her. She’s beautiful! She also is dressed very nicely, with a casual elegance. And, she’s smiling with pleasure, every so often.
Mark, my new best friend (even though he sucks, because he got tickets to the Springsteen concert in Fenway Park, the dirty rat bastard!), starts going on about how, “if he were single” he’d definitely try to meet this lovely lady. And, since he couldn’t, I should. (Yeah, right! The most beautiful woman in the bar! WAAAY out of my league!) On and on, he went, for a good half hour. Did I mention he knew I was unattached? Well, he did. If I recall correctly, the opening salvo went something like this;
Mark: You should go try to meet her.
Me: I should be so lucky!
Mark: I would, if I was single. Why don’t you give it a shot?
Me: It’s been 10 years since I did that.
Mark: So, what? Just go try!
Me: I wouldn’t have a clue what to say.
That stumped him, but didn’t stop him. I mentioned he was drunk, right? Actually, by this time, I’m feeling pretty good, myself. Two drinks at each place, so far. So, after half an hour of Mark, my new best friend, trying in vain to come up with a good approach, I excused myself, to go to the men’s room. For some reason, the men’s room (and the ladies room, though that didn’t matter to me) is up a spiral staircase that the bass player is more or less wedged under. So, up I go, and down I come.
I should, at this point, mention that I have never in my life successfully met a woman in a bar. I have tried, and failed. I have tried, and been laughed at. I have tried, and been sworn at. I have never tried, and succeeded.
Did I mention this lady is beautiful? I did, didn’t I. So, having thought about it for a good half hour, and having had, apparently, the right number of drinks, as I exit the staircase, instead of turning back towards my seat at the counter, I head over to this lovely lady, who is still sitting all alone. Doing my best to ignore the butterflies in my stomach, who seemed to be having some sort of intra-species gang fight, I walked up to the lady. When she looked up, I smiled (I think…I was too nervous at the time to be sure), bent down (because she was sitting and she’s fairly short), and said “Hi! My friend bet me that you wouldn’t let me buy you another drink.”
Yes, it was a bald-faced lie. But, I’m sure Mark would have, had he thought of it. So, that should count for something. And, it worked! Her name is Theresa, and she’s not only beautiful, she’s intelligent, she’s sweet, she’s a successful businesswoman, and a great kisser. And, I’m calling her, tomorrow. She asked me to. I can’t freaking believe it!
And, that’s why I’m still up at quarter to 4 in the morning, having arrived home at 2:30 am. And, that’s why I have a new best friend, named Mark.