I had to trumpet the news from the highest mountain, but things are rather flat around here, so I’ll tell all of you!
We knew we are pregnant (yes, I read the thread about she/we are pregnant), but yesterday was our first ultrasound, and discovered that she is bearing 2 babies! We are thrilled…this will be an instant family!
This is our first pregnancy and are now 14 weeks. We were planning on having 2 kids, but were going to separate them by about a year and a half. After this though, I guess we’re done. This was highly unexpected, as we know of no-one in either extended family that has had twins.
We haven’t had a chance to pick up any books or do any research yet, and so I ask you, those who have much to contribute, what the hell should we expect? Are we in for a busier time, or is it actually easier as the babies require the same sorts of work at the same time?
Any input would be appreciated.