So, one day, there i am eating my crabby patty and drinking my wallyCock, thinking about this and that, and the wonderous Travel Agencies that once roamed this fair platya. But low and Behold, Willy Wanka The Robot comes in…with his gamma radiation emmiting nipples and HUGE pulsating and gyrating Wang. He comes trotting in…acting like he’s the Cock of the Walk, takes a bite of my crabby patty, snaps my willow branch and says to me, " Well Well…if it isn’t Little Alex, thinking about those horrid Travel Agencies again, having a bit of the moloko ehh?" To which i reply(in a very farrot like tone), “Well…what if i am you rusted can, you are interluding in my studies, fair fair friend”. He seemed to be a bit taken back, and got rather…well how should i say it flustrated…almost fabragastoided and he vocalizes at me(in a most TOASTER way), “Look here…who do you think you are…sitting there wearing Pants, having your wangy wang all comfy-like…not omitting gamma rays from your nips, you think you’re betta then me…is that it, you pants wearing fiend?!” He thusly proceeds in harshly treating my trout and even smacking me a few times with ma own willow stick. So,i ask you fair fair friends…is this right? For a man of my stature(pants and all) to be treated as such by some abomination of a rusted Tin can with a bit of temper. Well…i’ll tell you what i vidi…it’s a real shame, a real shame…so i say to you Mr. Willy Wanka…fuck you and your crippled dog!!!
(the following brought to you by…A Clockwork Orange, insomnia, a slight euphoria…and Download(the band))
I like it!
Don’t you mean “the preceding”? Or you were speaking of your sig? Speaking of which, since you’re a Mesh fan, got any guesses what the new DM album title is?
garg…i do mean “preceding”…eventhough i doubt that’s an actual “word”…i’ll take your “word” for it.
The new DM cd…will be entitled “Vane Pleasure”…or “Vanity”