OK, Beeyotches, You've Made Up My Mind For Me

Christ on a pogostick, if I felt that way I’d have to go back in time to undo years of many Republican votes because of the mere continued existence of Rush Limbaugh, Anne Coulter, and Jerry Falwell. There are frothing-at-the-mouth jerks and nutjobs on both ends of the political spectrum, supporting every single candidate and pet political issue out there, and if you can’t see past that, then I’m sorely disappointed. We may not agree on many political issues but you always seemed like someone who was willing to look at the facts and reality of a situation. Now you just seem gleeful about taking up a cause for the sole purpose to piss off some people here.

Yes. Duh. This whole thread is about tossing that principle overboard like a steerage-class Titantic passenger. I absolutely acknowledge it. No more enthusiastic convert than a recent one, right?


This whole series of “I just might vote for Obama” threads has been the silliest, most attention-whore-ish, “look-at-me!” masturbations I’ve seen in a while. What a fucking joke.

And before you pull out your standard argument, no, I can’t prove beyond a reasonable doubt, in a court of law, to a jury of your peers, citing every single precedent from every single District, Appeals, and Supreme Court in the country, that this is a fucking attention-whoring joke. It’s just an opinion.

Right. You’re a neocon pimp, Bricker, and never have been anything more. An eloquent one, but a tawdry little cunt. You’re voting for McCain the neo-Rovian whore and Creationist Barbie. You’re all about conservative values, so long as government requires everybody to believe and act just like you.

Your outrage over McCain’s flipflopping and vile campaign tactics, hey, so convincing because hey, you’re all about principles. Everybody believed all along you’d maybe vote for somebody who wasn’t a sleaze bag Republican because your track record has been swell about that. Really. Do recount again your proud attendance at Shrub’s second inaugural festivities. No better benchmark for intelligent, principled government that Shrub, Cheney and Rove! But no, you changed your mind. The evil liberal media made you do it! Dopers made you do it! Bricker’s voting for the theocracy! Now there’s a suprise!

Actually, pimps deserve rather more respect than you, Bricker. They’re straightforward greedy, brutal assholes. You just want to make sure the whores and johns pray during the transactions, and pray the right way, to your god.

Fuck right off. You really are about as low as human being can get.

No, Ferret Herder. Because the scale balanced. Rush and Anne spewed their bile, of course, and Micheal Moore and Markos Moulitsas facilitated the same thing on the other side. It was business as usual, and the thing to do was look past it as best you can.

But Obama’s example made me think, briefly, there was another possibility. Now I see there isn’t.

And by the way – why is it such a big deal for me to say I’ll rub it in everyone’s face after a McCain win, but no one worries about how I feel watching the zillions of threads unfold here about Palin? How come gleeful threads trashing every imagined fault and failing of the GOP’s candidate are OK, but even the PROSPECTIVE trashing of the Dems is greeted as though I’ve announced I’ll be clubbing baby seals with a club carved from protected redwood?

I think that the tone has been raised on the Democrat side. Look at the reaction on DailyKOS to the Babygate allegations. This is one of the most partisan, ultra-liberal websites out there, and the majority of the responses to the allegations that Trig was Bristol’s baby was disgust and claims that these kinds of accusations are harming the party. Yes, there are nutsos on BOTH sides that make bizarre negative claims about the opposition (Obama is a secret Muslim who wants to give our country to Al-Qaeda), but the majority of the Democrats, even the more partisan ones, have been trying to fight a different kind of fight this election.

Oh really?

“The past few days and the Palin hysteria here (and in the larger blogosphere) have convinced me that I was an idiot to imagine such a thing.”

Conventional media does not equal the blogosphere. You’re backpedaling.

Bullshit. If the single idea of Obama running a clean campaign was enough to outweigh everything you find good about McCain, nothing has changed on that front.

Personally I find the whole Palin Family thing disgusting myself. There’s plenty of reasons to honestly oppose her and McCain without delving into personal lives. But if there are some people who choose to roll around in that mud, why should you care? As long as the campaign isn’t willing to go there, the rabble should be able to be ignored. (And yes, I consider the media rabble, or at most rabble-rousers.)

What I’m seeing is you finding an excuse to get all haughty and return back to your fold from which you never really left.

Good. And when McCain wins, and you pussies are crying about mean ol’ Diebold again, I’ll be dancing, fuckface. Maybe I’ll get to go to his Inaugural Ball too. It’s late to get on the bandwagon this time, I admit, but I’m gonna try.

I’ll send you some pics. Maybe that’ll help you get over the loss.

Again, if you do see a clearcut difference between liberals in general and the SDMB, why is the SDMB a valid and acceptable measure for judging how the majority will act? If SDMBers are out of touch with reality, then they surely can’t be used as a metric for how most will react.

I respect you voting for McCain if he better represents your interests and your core principles. That’s fine. Likewise, I could never vote McCain or Republican (in its current form) because of their stances on social issues, military issues, and their courting of the religious right and mixing of religion and politics. If Republicans merely (and really) stood for fiscal responsibility and kept their noses out of our bedrooms, I could conceivably consider voting for them.

However, to have your vote influenced based on message board chatter? That’s just asinine. Now, I don’t think an Obama win is a foregone conclusion and, quite frankly, I’d say it’s a coin flip. But I’m not going to be gloating if he wins. I’ll just be very relieved. Poor form, Bricker.

Wow, your reasons for supporting Obama were really stupid.

Just vote for the candidate who best represents your interests.

Yeah, and your best interests are greed, arrogance and requiring everyone else to live as stringent Catholics. Just like, oh my, little Bricker, the poster boy for conservatism! Such an exemplar for small government, minimal interference in peoples’ lives, oh those stale old things Bush shit all over years ago.

Hate and lies rule, baby! The neocon legacy! The bigger the lie, the more vicious the claim, the better! It’s all you stand for, asshole.


Yeah, in my clearly rant-y Pit thread, I failed to speak with precision. Who could imagine such a thing?

Let me be clear. It’s here, the blogs, the pick-up of the blogs dirt by mainstreamers, and the whole damn spectacle. It’s everything. It’s gestalt.

Also that boarfucker TVeblen.

So, you want integrity. You want positive campaigning. You want to focus on issues and end personal attacks.

And you want someone else to do it first.

There is a huge difference between some old farts of dubious credentials saying Kerry didn’t serve honorably and ACTUAL VIDEO of Palin saying her constituents need to be “right with God” or nothing she does policywise matters.

Meh. Most everyone who voted for Bush will find a reason to vote for McCain. They’ll tell themselves that if only the Democrats had put up a reasonable candidate they’d have truly considered voting for them, but Obama is simply too charismatic/wooden/inexperienced/old/angry/happy to be president. Or they’ll clamp onto some issue they agree with McCain on and it will magically become their key issue. The joke is that they like to pretend to be so open-minded and critical.

And it goes both ways. If Obama turns out to be a Bush-level disaster, most of his supporters still wouldn’t be able to bring themselves to vote Republican the next time around.

I know.

Thus, this thread.

That isn’t my objection. My objection (and many others, from what I’ve gleaned from the thread) is your apparent shock that, oh gosh, some liberals are saying bad things about Gov. Palin, screw them and their candidate, I’ll never vote for Sen. Obama because you Democrats broke my heart. Seriously, if that’s true, it’s a level of naivety that I hadn’t expected from you or just about anyone else.

I believe in my senator, and hope he can do some good for this country. But I don’t believe that he or anyone else wields a magic wand that can make all of the off-leash attack dogs shut the fuck up for a little while. (I dearly wish they would, I’d love to just tune it all out until voting day so I wouldn’t be so bitter about politics in general and might once again enjoy following the topic. Not sure when that might be true again.)

And an aside regarding Giraffe’s post about supporting the other team - that’s probably true on a presidential level, though I think I would have been happy with the old John McCain, the one who challenged Bush back in the day. However, I did nearly vote for the Republican candidate in the last Illinois gubernatorial election, except her choice for Lt. Governor was awful. I’ll say out loud to anyone who asks that my voting Blagojevich in for a second term was a monumental mistake, and he’ll not get my vote again unless the GOP picks an opposition candidate that makes my head explode. I’d even vote Republican in the primary to support a good candidate on that side.

I just bet you would, whore. It reflects you so well. You’re right at home down with the filth.