It’s time. As I announced 2 weeks ago, today is my Q day. I will smoke no more cigarettes. I am taking you all up on your offers of support. I will be asking for sponsors for each day for the next few weeks. You can be a sponser more than once. IIRC, Falcon said that she wanted to sponsor me, so today, Sunday, I will not smoke for Falcon.
::puts on BIG boot to be ready for major ass kicking::
You aren’t doing it for Falcon, you are doing it for yourself.
Had to say it to be PC, (Hi, Satan!) but I’m self-destructive enough to know that’s bullshit. Do it for Falcon if it works for you, but don’t blame her if you don’t quit.
weirddave, I’d love to sponsor you on Wednesday. If you want, I can send oodles of hard candy – although, as andygirl points out, nothing beats the curiously strong peppermint flavor of Altoids.
I, for some reason I can’t identify, wanted to also tell you I wished I was home when you were moving, as I live in Catonsville and would’ve been more than happy to help, but I was in Dayton, Ohio on business for several weeks. This is something that has been nagging at me for awhile.
… I smoked two packs a day and quit on October 6, 2000 at 6:03 PM EDT. I chew on lots of straws… and gum… and mints… and pencils… and fingernails… and, well, you get the idea. Although this sponsoring stuff doesn’t really do it for me, if it helps you, I’d be happy to sponsor you for a day. Please though, do not tick me off. I’ve been a little edgy these days. Thanks.
Good luck Dave! My schedule’s too unpredictable to promise to sponsor you on any particular day, but I’ll be sure to pop in as often as I can to support you.
And I could use your encouragement likewise!
ruadh, smoke-free for six days, 14 hours, 25 minutes and 49 seconds. 198 cigarettes not smoked, saving IR£37.62. Life saved: 16 hours, 30 minutes.
I’ve never smoked – tried once, was repelled. But I’ve watched a good friend of mine try to quit twice, so I have some idea of how hard it is. I would be happy to sponsor you for a day.
And I’ll make you a deal, too. I’m still smoking, myself. I’ve tried & failed & tried & failed to quit. But on the day you want me to sponsor you, I give you my solemn oath–I will NOT smoke that day. I cannot guarantee what will happen after that, but I will give you that one day.
So, you’re gonna do it. YIPPPEEEE!!!
::Doing the HappyDance::
Of course I’ll sponsor you, you big lug. Let’s see, no one has specifically offered for next Friday, so on Friday the 17th I’ll be your sponsor. And, you know what I’ll do to you if you mess up on my day!!! :eek:
With two people on Friday and one on Saturday . . . I’ll call next Monday. If you need words of encouragement, I should be on AIM and I respond fairly quickly to email.