OK, everyone, games over now....

I forget. Ask him!

Waitaminute-that answers the question, doesn’t it?


I think someone needs to take his medication. You seem to believe you actually aren’t a psychotic insane troll. Go back to your padded cell. Does the hospital staff know you’re trying to communicate with sane people?

The carbon dioxide he exhales helps keep plants alive? Also, he’d probably make a great paperweight.

“It’s bacon!!”

Oh,so we’ll just stop 'cause you told us to ; eh, snotwad?


You’ll take your chances with being flamed just like the rest of us.

A Palidoormat you are, indeed sir.
(But if you post a really, really good question–we may forgive you. Possibly. In a month or two.)

Is this his baptism of fire , or of flames?

We have met the enemy, and He is Us.–Walt Kelly

The problem wasn’t the intelligence of the questions you asked, or the self esteem of the people who “live” here.

The problem was that you walked into a party and immediatly challenged those present with a series of pointless tests, to see if the party was worthy of your participation.

Unfortunately, as the world has many intelligent, and well mannered, people, the questions you raised had been answered before. Your unjustified rudeness and presumption offended people. I am suprised that you can not recognize the effect your lack of insight caused.

If you walk into any group of people, in person or online, and attempt to make them pass tests of your devising before you will grace them with your presence, don’t be suprised if they somehow pass up the treat.

If you made a blooper, the answer is a civil apology. I made a bad joke which offended people, but it is amazing how generously everyone accepted the apology and gave me a second chance. I suggest you try the same.

If you want to join a community of intelligent people, it is a grave error to patronize them or underestimate that intelligence. They do not have to prove themselves to you; you, by your own contributions, have to prove yourself to THEM.

Until you can match the company, I suggest you do all involved a favor and seek out another venue more suited to your capabilities.

(who gets wordy in a snit)

TVeblem, you were never forgiven.
It just takes 6 to 8 weeks for all the magazine subscriptions to start hitting your doorstep! :slight_smile:

Slythe, you have mean streak in you.

Veb, hope you like Field and Stream and Gentleman’s Quarterly.


Sheesh, you guys are hardasses.

Well, if it’s just GQ and Field and Stream I guess I can live with it. Given this group I would expect something like “Embalming Today” or “Journal of Proctology”.


Ummmmm, well, it’s not just magazine subscriptions. When you get your catalog from “Luv Ewe Tender” (inflatable plastic love sheep), you’ll know I was thinking of you.

Lynn the Packrat

If anybody needs me, I’ll be in a bathroom for the next ten minutes or so.

HEY! Who’s got my copy of “Embalming Today” ?

All this and more, on today’s episode of “Oddly Disturbing Threads.”

Just what does an Oracle do? I’ve been puzzling over this for several days - does it have anything to do with blow jobs?

Kilroy and paladors sittin’ in a tree…

ooo… look i can post just like kilroy!!! if i try i can even say HE BITES!!!

::Chief racks a round into the chamber…::

“Kilroy was Here”

Yeah, you can tell.

Just look at the trail of snot.

We have met the enemy, and He is Us.–Walt Kelly

Somebody with the name BenDover uses a “blowjob” insult?

Palidors and Kilroy:

Gentlemen, you are both severely mistaken on two extremely pertinent points. Point number one is your assumption that the people who frequent this forum are deserving of the hyperbolic vituperation you have so freely distributed over the course of your last few posts. In this, you are both very much incorrect. The people who post on these boards are highly intelligent, very well educated, informed, tolerant, friendly, and decent people. They in no way deserve either the treatment or the names you have bestowed upon them.
Point number two is your assumption that simply because you post a message on this forum, you are automatically deserving of the respect of all other participants. By absolutely no means. Should your posts exhibit signs of being well-discerned, balanced, thought-provoking, relevant, and above all, respectful of others, you will be listened to and not flamed. However, should your posts display the arrogance, condescention, petulance, and adolescent infantilism of your most current efforts, do not expect to be taken seriously. Bear this thought uppermost in your minds, and meditate upon it prodigiously: gentlemen, respect from the people who use these boards is not an entitlement. Respect from the people who use these boards is something you must earn.

Hey Trolls!

That whooshing sound you just heard was Pickmans post going over your heads!
And guys…we want you to know that we have no problem accepting homosexuals into the group…But we do prefer homosexuals who can read.

Ho- mo- sex- u- al…it means gay, or queer. As in 2 boys who like each other in a sex way.
( I am trying to use small words they will understand)

Uh, oh, kelli –

Sqrlcub’s gonna be gunnin’ for you now.

Why? Is Sqrlcub gay?
Or maybe a homophobe?

I really dont care if a poster is gay or not! Quadell was one of the posters here who most impressed me, and inspired me to post.

I love gay people! I am not trying to be a smartass either, I really do! Some of my closest friends are bisexual. MAN! Can they tell stories… :wink:

Ya know Palidors, you’re really not very bright. When you first posted, everyone jumped on you 'cause you were just annoying. But then we started talking about it in this post, http://www.straightdope.com/ubb/Forum5/HTML/000223.html

and decided that it was a bit harsh. That maybe you meant well, but didn’t know the rules…hell, I even agreed with that. But then you go and create this thread. If you had been paying attention, you should have realized that most posters here were giving you another chance…and what do you do?..Whine…which is just not allowed.

If you want to be a regular here, and have people listen to your opinions, or help out with a serious question, then you have to be able to take the criticism as well as the praise. Without tucking your tail between your legs, pouting in a corner, and stating that from your lofty pinicle of …what, 14 years?..you don’t think our posts are interesting.

Oh, and let’s not forget your “buddy” Mister_RogersAWC
That just posted the enlightened question about all the words that end in -a.
Do you two get together and try and find ways to demonstrate your stupidity?

I earnestly recomend that you both sit back, lurk awhile longer, and when you do rejoin us, keep your smart-ass teenage comments in check. You both have the potential to fit in, if you think about what you’re doing before you post.

And while I’m at it. Kilroy, you’re immaturity speaks for itself. As does your spelling, grammer, and lack of vocabulary demonstrated by your inability to use anything other than foul language. I’m not sure which of the annoying trolls you are (under a different name) but it really doesn’t matter. You’re ignorance shines through whatever screen name you choose to reveal you for the complete and utter moron you are.