How does one deal with the following hypothetical scenerio? You’re a legal gun owner. In the middle of the night, you’re awoken by noise from downstairs. You go downstairs with your gun. You surprise a burglar holding your wife’s purse or an expensive piece of electronics. At the sight of you and your gun, the burglar bolts for the door.
Now YMMV, but here in Minnesota I’m pretty sure that I would NOT have the legal right to gun them down in the back as they’re fleeing. Minnesota is not a “Castle Doctrine” state; in fact, trespassing is only a misdemeanor, and then only after the intruder has refused a verbal order to leave(!) A home owner is allowed to use “appropriate force” to prevent a felony. Breaking and Entering is a felony, but by some interpretations once they’ve broken in it’s done, so you’re not “preventing” it anymore(!) Ok, they’re stealing my goddamn Tivo, that’s a felony, what’s appropriate force? Let’s say I give chase. Am I allowed to pistol-whip them in the back of the head? Tackle them? If they fight back, then am I justified in shooting them? If they make it past my property line have they legally crossed the “goal line”?
Broadly speaking then, when armed how does one de-escalate to a lesser degree of force? And puhleeze don’t say “it’s just a possession, it isn’t worth someone’s life”. Frankly I think it ought to be worth their life, but for now the law is what it is.