OK, I'm hooked.....(buffy and Angel related)

Tonight is the first night I have ever watched Buffy the Vampire Slayer ( the last 15 minutes) and Angel. I am hooked. (Is that bad?)

I gotta know a couple of things:

Buffy: The older guy who wears glasses who was her watcher and she just asked him to be her watcher. What the heck is a watcher? Does Buffy’s mom know she is a slayer? Does Buffy bruise at all? Maybe she should just work for the GLOW.

Angel: Is the irish guy also a killer/hunter? Does he have any special powers? And why is it that between Buffy and Cordelia they own no bras?

I had deeper questions while I was watching Angel, but on the long walk up the stairs, I forgot them.

Alright. for the backstory, go to http://www.buffyguide.com and read up on the episode synops.

The older guy is Giles. He used to be Buffy’s watcher, but he was fired. Buffy is the slayer- the watcher acts as a tutor/guide, ect. Basically. Yes, her mom knows. Buffy does bruise, but she has an accellerated immune system/ has supernatural powers.

Angel… um, what irish guy? Are you talking about Wesley? He’s not irish. Wesley used to be a watcher (he was fired) but he now works for Angel. Angel is a vampire with a soul, which separates him from every other vamp.

Um… yeah. Damn it, I want my buffy! <sob>

Shirley: andygirl’s given you the right rundown, though I think the Irish guy you’re referring to is Doyle (season 1 Angel).

He’s a half human who has intuitive flahses (a precog with no on/off switch). And if he’s appearing in the series you’re watching I’m not going to give anymore away at this time.

Um… yeah. Damn it, I want my willow! <sob>

Angel is Irish. In a flashback you see him being turned into a vampire in Galway in what looks like the 19th century. He also one of the worst Oirish accents I’ve ever had.

He is a vampire with a soul. He was cursted by a eastern European clan whom he was terrorising. He doesn’t kill people and lives of blood from blood banks. He helps with the fight against evil. If he ever experiences true happiness(read shagging the Buffster, and wouldn’t that be great :wink: ) he looses his soul and becomes a fully fleged amoral vamp. again.

Yes, I’ve seen a lot of both these shows. So anymore questions.


Do you know anyone who tapes the show? You have to see the one called “Hush”. That show is one of the best, hands down. That’s the one that turned my casual interest into an obsession.

You’ll soon be one of us…you’ll soon be one of us…:smiley:

I’m seething with jealousy here. In the UK we aren’t getting the new series until January …

I’m trying to keep away from the episode descriptions till then, but there’s just no way that’s going to happen.

Charley leaves, weeping softly.

You are wrong on one point, Shirley. A major component of the “Buffy” drinking game requires that you imbibe every time a bra strap is revealed.

I have long maintained that Buffy is demonstrably the best show on TV, at least for guys.
Exhibit 1 - hot young chicks. Buffy and Cordelia are merely the tip of a wonderful iceberg.
Exhibit 2 - humorous situations and dialog. Besides the absolutely ridiculous scenario, small Cal. town located at the opening of the Hell’s maw, the dialog is incredibly sharp and current.
Exhibit 3 - spookiness. While the shows are definitely not terrifying, the can certainly put you on edge.
Exhibit 4 - ass kicking. Every episode has at least a couple of really decent fight scenes.
I ask you, what other show has all of these elements at such a high level?
(Did I mention the hot young chicks?)
My one complaint, once I got used to the pacing of individual episodes, it is kinda disappointing when the last commetrcial break comes on at about a quarter to, because you know everything is going to come to a head and be resolved bang, bang, bang.
I’m not a big Angel fan. Probably mainly because I don’t need to watch 2 hours of TV on any given night.

I feel so giddy…I feel like I should run off and buy a copy of Tigerbeat magazine.

<…highjack by concerned male…>

Dear Doctor SDMB,
I’m embarrassed and rather than start a thread I thought I might try and sneak this in here because it’s something that worries me.

No idea how this happened but during the last series I found myself purposely tuning into Dawsons Creek. Now, this can’t be normal behaviour for someone who

(1) is old enough to have children who would watch the show, and
(2) ought to have something more interesting and / or pressing to do (actually, I do - but hey!)

I just really wanted Joey and Pacey to get it together This isn’t my normal behaviour - should I seek help or should I wait for the court order ?

<… /highjack…>


I like Buffy but I love Angel. I like the premise of Angel better plus it has a better theme song. :wink: Did you guys see the season premiere? *** SPOILER *** I thought the demon he had to fight was whimpier than the ones who were trying to catch the girl. What was up with that?


Shirley, your next assignment is to research which episode of Buffy was broadcast months later than originally planned, for what reason.
Final question, Faith or Buffy?
My favorite episode was the one where Buffy had left home and the homeless kids were being taken through a pool into a different time/dimension where they were enslaved by aliens, then discarded back on earth prematurely aged after they had been used up. Buffy kicked some serious alien butt in that one!

Feh! There was a lot of good stuff on display in the Season Premier of Angel, but the plot was stupid, stupid, and more stupid.

Yeah, the whole episode was more like a recap of Angel’s “mission statement,” as it were. And the plot begged the question of why Cordelia had that vision in the first place. The only reason the demon about whom she had the vision might have needed help is precisely because Angel killed him. Whoops!

As I always tell Peta, I’m glad that Angel has his own show now. I never liked the whole Buffy/Angel tragic romance thing, as it seemed to detract too much from the whole concept of Buffy as a high school student. And, frankly, I liked evil Angel better on that show (although the “Becoming” episodes approached the level of Greek tragedy). In his own element, he’s a better character. But I want more Kate, dammit, and I want Doyle back, too.

Damn it. I wanted to see them both last night, but they were on during the hockey game(gotta have priorities). Anybody know when they’ll be shown again? Or has anybody recorded them? I’ll pay you for a copy, if that’s legal.

What the heck is a watcher?

The Watcher’s Council is based in England, and their responsibilities are to identify and train the new Slayer in each generation, as well as to be the repository of information on evil supernatural goings-on in our realm. Giles was Buffy’s second Watcher; her first was killed.

Buffy basically recused herself from the power of the Watcher’s Council last season. Giles is her friend/father figure, so he’s stuck around in that capacity.

Does Buffy’s mom know she is a slayer?

Yes. She found out near the end of Season 3, and had a somewhat difficult time accepting it. She still hasn’t completely, but she tries. (BTW, “Buffy” fans, I made a bold prediction last night that Joyce and Giles will marry by the end of this season.)

Does Buffy bruise at all?

Unfortunately, we never get to see her completely naked. :smiley:

Angel: Is the irish guy also a killer/hunter?

Mostly answered by andygirl. Wesley is a former Watcher. He was assigned to replace Giles, who had been suspended after botching a test Buffy was to undergo. He is now, in his own words, a “rogue demon hunter.”

Does he have any special powers?

An overinflated sense of his own charm, and unpleasantly mistimed clumsiness. :smiley: Oh, and he and Cordelia once had the hots for each other on “Buffy,” but one dance and kiss at the prom cleared that up.

And why is it that between Buffy and Cordelia they own no bras?

You think that’s good, catch Faith in action on the repeats!