OK, in a few hours it will be March 2013

So may we agree that the Harlem Shake thing is done? That was February 2013. Now do something else.

It’s been March 2013 for more than half a day for me, and the Harlem Shake never happened for me last month.

What is the Harlem Shake and we are we over it?

They don’t haveGoogle and Wikipediawhere you live?


Well, I tend to find out about these things just as they’re dying, and someone showed me the Harlem Shake videos just yesterday, so yea, its probably done.

Just two weeks until Pi Day. :slight_smile:

what is it anyway, and would i want to know? i did check out a couple of videos and all i could make out were people gathered in a spasm over the same music.

You’ll have to talk to Billboard magazine first - it’s currently in its second week as #1 on the Hot 100.

I see you figured it out.

There is nothing more to it than that.

How is Harlem Shake even a thing? It’s only got 20+ million views, there is nothing new or special about it. It’s only a video of people doing random stuff. The only good thing about it is it’s ridiculously easy to make.

Apparently these people knew it would become passé in March and wanted to get their submission in. Who wouldn’t want to be one of an elite 75,000 or so?