Ever since you posted this, I’ve been trying to figure out what the hell you were getting at, and why your point had to be expressed in such a manner.
The best I can come up with at this point is that you were trying to say that it’s wrong for me to think Ted Kennedy deserves his illness, and/or that it’s wrong for me to wish harm on him because there are things about him that I don’t like.
If I have misinterpreted you, please let me know. But please realize that one of the reasons that I was confused and frankly disturbed by what you said was because I never said any of the above about Ted Kennedy, and in fact somewhere in that thread I made that exact point…that I don’t wish pain or death on him at all. There are some people in the world who I greatly admire or have affection for, and will no doubt feel very sad at the time of their passing. There are others who I’m not so fond of, and while I don’t wish them to suffer, I don’t anticipate feelings of grief. That’s all. It’s not an unprecedented attitude on this board, as this thread immediately prior to Ronald Reagan’s death attests. Some people said they weren’t sorry he was dying, and some said much worse things. Things that I would never say about Ted Kennedy or anyone else. This was the first thread I found on the subject, but there were many more that I did not read through, and I can guess that many negative things were said about Mr. Reagan, based on the fact that a few days later, a Pit thread was started over it.
But all that aside, if you thought that my point was that I wished Kennedy to suffer and die, feel free to call me out on that. I think I have always made it clear that I am more than happy to listen and try to clarify my points when need be. But to wish a violent act upon me is beyond what I think is appropriate even in the Pit, and even if you only meant it as an analogy. I don’t think I have ever said anything about anyone, whether it be a public figure, a fellow member of the SDMB, or anyone else, that deserves such a response, and I’m actually pretty upset by it. I hope that knowing this will help remind you to “slow down and think things over before acting,” as you advised me to do.
I have a bonus/milder pitting for those who apparently believe that such a remark should be overlooked by me, and that I should continue to carry on in the thread as usual. Despite Bridget Burke’s characterization of me as “flouncing off,” I think my comportment around here for the last 2 years should have shown that I’m not the type to do that (thanks, elucidator, for pointing that out in your usual amusing way). I’m not afraid of a fight, and and I’m willing to admit when I’m wrong (which I think I also did a little of in that thread). But when people start wishing violent acts upon me for no apparent reason that I can see, I think my obligation to continue with the conversation has ended.