Ok Enterprise is gone, I need a replacement Sci-fi series. I haven’t seen any BSG since the 80’s version. So what’s the deal? Where does it take place? What are the Cylons like? How’s the casting? When is it on? Inquiring minds and all that…
Since you already put “spoil” in the thread title, I won’t bother with boxes.
It’s on the SciFi channel, Friday nights at 10 EST. Here’s the website.
It’s a remake of the original Battlestar Galactica, not a sequel. So it starts with the miniseries where the Cylons wipe out the 12 colonies.
Uses most of the same characters as the original, though with some modifications. Adama and Tigh, Starbuck, Apollo, & Boomer, Baltar, are all characters. One small but satisfying change is that “Apollo”, “Starbuck” and “Boomer” are callsigns, not their actual names e.g. Apollo’s real name is Lee Adama. One larger change is that Starbuck and Boomer are women.
Lot more psychological and gritty than the original. The scenes of the survivors realizing their entire world has been destroyed are utterly compelling.
Some of the Cylons look “…just like US!!!”. At least 2 of the Cylons are ridiculously hot. They also have the robot Cylons with the horizontal red dot eyes.
Casting is great. Edward James Olmos is Adama and is very good. Most of the other characters are good as well.
I believe they will be running a marathon of the 5 aired episodes sometime this month, but not the original miniseries, so it will start with the survivor fleet being pursued by the Cylons.
I have not seen much of this due to circumstances beyond my control. Do not judge it by the standards of the original. They are going for a much darker feel and I think they succeed. The original was very silly but I loved it as a 12 year old. I plan on giving this a chance. Good CGI too.
How spoiled do you want to be? because I’ve seen the ENTIRE SERIES, baby!
The series is fantastic.
One new character that wasn’t in the original is the President of the colonies. She was basically the sec of Education and due to the line of succession, after the attack she is the president. (as an aside she has breast cancer and is supposed to die in six months)
Boltar is played by a guy who looks and sounds like the guy who played Dr. Bashir on Deep Space 9. It’s not him but the resemblence is striking. Also Boltar did not betray the colonies on purpose. He was suduced by a cylon in human form. She has either done something to him, like a brain implant or he is crazy, or both. He has a persistant vision of this woman through out the show. He sees her and talks to her but nobody else sees her. This is both funny and dramatic…
Richard Hatch, who played Apollo on the original series, is back. He plays a 'terrorist/political prisoner. He leads a revolt on the prison ship.
This series doesn’t have a space dogfight every episode with the same footage over and over like the original series. many episodes nobody fires a gun and Boxy is thankfully gone. It really concentrates on the relationships and the way the people struggle to find their role in the post cylon attack era. The president learns her job on the fly. Adama has to figure out how to best protect the fleet.
Oh at the end of the mini-series Adama announces the big trip to Earth. Though most people only think Earth is a legend, Adama claims that it’s location is a military secret. He lied. He doesn’t know. He just felt that everyone needed something to hope for to keep going.
There are a lot of female characters and they are some of the best roles for women in sci-fi I’ve seen.
What is Earth’s role in the series. In the 80’s version Earth wa susposed to be a lost colony is this dtill the case?
I’ve only seen the mini-series so far, but it definitely left me thinking: “And that can’t come soon enough.”
It’s the same in this. The twelve colonies were from Kobol and there is a legend of a 13th called Earth.
The difference is, the people in charge don’t really beleive it exists.
This show is more full of Cold War angst than the Cold War was. Every week they have to make a tough decision to let a few more thousand humans die in order to save the entire human race. They never let up. In the pilot they have a Cylon agent break a baby’s neck just so, you know, you don’t think maybe they’re just misunderstood or something. They show a cute little girl get nuked while playing with her dolly. Everybody suspects everybody else of being Cylon agents, except the people who really are acting suspect.
Still, giving your Girlfriend access to the Top-Secret Defense computers just because you love her is pretty stupid.
True that. Even if he didn’t know she was the enemy, he still gave someone without access, access to highly classified info. You can still fry for that.
Yes, be careful what you ask for. The entire first series has been shown in the UK, and is available to many.
The US showing is up to episode 05 this Friday, but on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, they’re going to have a marathon so you can catch up. I’d recommend recording it. The story is more tightly woven than Enterprise, and you may feel the need to re-watch some episodes.
I am one of the lucky people outside of the UK that has seen it.
I think the series overall is great. There are a few too many Starbuck episodes. (IMHO) It may have been better if they weren’t one right after the other.
The last few episodes are Fracking Fantasitc!
Does it get tired? How long before they run out of humans?
carnivorousplant wrote:
I continue to enjoy it. I appreciate the way they tend not to pull their punches. But I wonder if other people would be bothered by the way they just never let up.
At least people have real problems. You don’t have the entertainment system taking over the ship every week.
OK I’m gonna give t shot, but remember I have your names…Bwuhahaha…
What about the Glowing Passionate Spine? Any more of that?
No he isn’t. (Unless he gets sucked out an airlock or something in a later episode-I haven’t seen them all.) He’s older and considerably more mouthy than before though. And thankfully there’s no mechanical muffet or whatever that thing was.
carnivorousplant wrote:
That one’s going right over my head. Are you sure you wouldn’t rather make a reference to the Daleks or something?
When No. 6 is having intercourse, her spine glows red. It’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever seen. I take it that doesn’t happen anymore.
How many episodes are there in total? I’ve managed to see all that they’ve aired here in the States, and they’re great. I’m a fan. So how many more do I get to enjoy before having to wait, slavishly, for the next season?
It’s because she is soooo hot. I agree, it looks silly. Number six is sexy as hell, and just as they were running out of reasons to show her naked back we see another side of her character when the seduction starts losing its effectiveness.