Okay Ladies -- it's your turn

Ok, TechChick, mine is on the way. I’d like to warn everyone in advance of my giant Ebert head. The rest of me is fine, lol. I showed it to a friend who said I looked pissed off, but I’m afraid that’s how I look naturally. If I’d tried to smile or something it would’ve been a thousand times worse. :wink:

Hey ladies,

I have been downloading a lot of pics and am confusing user names with email names etc.

If you can, please put your username, as it’s spelled on here, in the subject line with SDMB I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you :slight_smile:

Only 31 pictures at this point.

Probably on the ladies pages I will make it less utilitarian and add a cool background…just depends on how creative I get :slight_smile:

So what’s the deadline for pictures? I posted a link to my pictures in this thread but if you allow us to turn in pictures tomorrow morning I’ll send you a different one after I get to work tomorrow morning and scan it. If not, that’s fine too. I like the pic of me with my kids… it’s one of my better ones actually! I’m really anxious to see what all of the ladies of the SDMB look like!!!

Here is the only pic I have of myself. It’s like almost two years old, but I haven’t changed too much. Hopefully I’ll get a scanner soon so I can update…


techchick, if it’s not too late, I’d like (at this point in time, anyway) if you’d use the side picture that I sent you instead of the freaky one.

Thanks. :slight_smile:

Whoops. Sorry if that file was a little large, techchick!


I’ve got some bodies to paste the heads to already lined up. Maybe I’ll share my version on day…guys I’ll keep you in the loop, and who knows, some may not be doctored ;).

Now ladies, don’t you dare dissappoint me. Lets see some smiling faces, and breasts damn it, breasts!

SeaDiver, Michi, Swiddles, I’ll be waiting on the edge of my seat to see what you guys come up with. jjj…if you have any special pics you’d like to send me, I’d be happy to make the most of them. :wink:

And guys, considering the several that I’ve already seen in my year here…you’re in for a treat. What fun :smiley:

I sent in the only pic I had on hand this morning (I hate having my picture taken). I hope it arrived OK, though in it I look extremely pale and my hand is all shredded because at the time I had a really mean kitten, who is now a really mean cat. She is not the cat in the picture, however, who belongs to someone else.

Oh, I’m sorry, was I rambling?


speaking of not being shy, I don’t recall seeing your picture in the men’s page!

Ok, I sent my pic in. I told Tech this but I’ll tell you guys this, too: I am now about 25 pounds thinner and have longer, sraight red hair now. Keep that in mind when you see it. :slight_smile:

I was just over at my friend’s house, and scanned a pic of me. The pic is from last December, so it is fairly recent. Hope it gets to you ok, Tech. Let me know if there are any problems.


I’m more of a lurker than a poster, but this looks like fun. I sent you a picture from Seattle Filmworks, which I hope you can use. Note: This was taken at a birthday party I had for one of my dogs, and I expect you to have fun with that!

The Punkyova

I know all of you are just dying to see what I look like…not.

But I just sent off my picture.

Omniscient…have you been flirting with other girls?

jjj, of course not! I wouldn’t think of it, I swear. Honest!

Looking around

Hey, whats all that snickering, quit it, I’m serious.

Well, Omni hasn’t flirted with ME, in any case.

::sigh:: :wink:

Michi…has it been that long since you popped into chat, how soon we forget.

warming up his patting hand

Techchick - do you need a new email from me since my address is zyada?

Hey Omni wasn’t it you that grabbed my butt in chat Monday night? Woohoo I’m sure it was, I’d know that grab anywhere.