O'Keeffe's...oh, god!

Being a diabetic and it’s cool weather my skin is acting stoopid.
I drink lots of water.
I’m hygienic.
I moisterize regularly.
I’m fond of Palmer’s Cocoa butter and it’s chocolate-y smelling goodness. Feeds a food fetish (no I don’t eat it, silly)as well as moisterizes amazingly well.
Recently I’ve been told the smell is gag inducing. Dang it! I can’t catch a break. I’ll have to smell on the sly, but not apply it liberally anymore. This person means alot to me. I’ll make the sacrifice.
So I’m on the hunt for unscented moisterizer that works as well as Cocoa butter. I’ve tried quite a few. If an apocalyptic emergency occurs and you have dry skin look me up. I got what you need.
My latest version is ‘O’Keeffe’s Working Hands’. It’s guaranteed hardworking skincare. Sez so right on the tub. It’s a bit precious $6.50 for 2.7oz.
I was reading the ingredients list. Same as most. But a big hunk o’ paraffin. What??! Seriously? Man, oh man. I’m a sucker for anything close to the check-out line. The packaging makes it look serious. No flowers or split coconuts on the label. Just letters.
I coulda bought a case of paraffin for $7 (I think, havn’t priced it recently)

I shouldn’t be allowed to carry cash or cards. I make sorry decisions.

(But, Hey! It’s unscented, smells exactly like nothing)

Actually, the stuff is amazing for hands and feet. I put it on cracked heels and they are better in a day or two. Cracked and dried hands, the same deal. I would agree that it might not be the stuff to use everywhere else.
I use Shikai body lotion and think it works well.

Just a tip:

O’Keefe’s hand cream and their foot cream is exactly the same thing. The only difference is the package it comes in. Just a tip if you need some and the store is out of one or the other.

Love the stuff, because the older I get the drier and more cracked my hands get.

Thanks, Sunny. I’ll try it on my feet and hands. My feet are jacked up. The lil’wrekker can’t look at them (when’s that girl going back to her University?).
Maybe my purchase isn’t so bad after all.

Another vote in favor. I put it on right before bed.

O’Douls, now, that stuff is a waste of time.

Yep :smiley:

I have O’Keeffe cream, the lotion, and the lip balm. They are all beyond amazing.

My lips were worse than the Sahara. I don’t wear lipstick, I’ve used plain old Vaseline for year and years. I’ve tried almost everything, and it finally reached a point where Burt’s Bees lip balm was useless! My bottom lip was peeling off in sheets!

I saw a little bitty ad for O’Keeffe’s lip balm, it said something like “works when all others stop,” and that it STAYED on.

Miracle stuff!

I make my own balm for hard skin using olive oil and beeswax. It’s great for feet and elbows in winter, but it can come off on clothes and eventually build up inside a dryer vent. When I’m feeling wealthy, I use CereVe in winter and Aveeno otherwise. I usually stock up at Costco so when I’m not feeling wealthy, I can stretch my usage pretty far. I have very dry, easily irritated skin so I must have unscented products that don’t have alcohols in them. On really cold, dry winter days, I just apply olive oil right after a shower and wait a bit to get dressed. It does help stop the itching.

I’m feeling better and better about this purchase. I covered my feet in it and put on socks. I never wear socks or shoes in the house. It’s kinda weird. I’m padding around. I took a little slide into the laundry room. Kinda fun. (:))

You go BAREFOOT???


Girl, I’m an Ol’Arky. Barefoot is my default/factory setting.

You need a whack in the head to change your setting, then.

Arky or no, above all, you are DIABETIC. That trumps all.

Right now, go to Amazon and buy some Dearfoams. Get several pair. The instant you swing your legs over the side of the bed, slide your feets into the slippers.

I know Diabetics missing parts of their feet. Months in the hospital, wound vacs, IV Vancomycin. Ugh.

Please. It’s rough enough that the Kidney Twins are causing problems. Don’t go looking for more trouble with bare feet!

Beck, you’re not the only diabetic who goes barefoot in the house.

And I have to use lotion on my feet and lower legs. My podiatrist said to use anything that contains vitamin E.

I used O’Keeffe’s on the skin graft on the bottom of my foot when I had a melanoma surgically removed. It worked pretty well to keep it soft and supple.

Ok, ok. I quit going outside barefoot. Well, sometimes I still go on the deck. I promise to do better. The jerk me around about my feet at the clinic.

Same lecture to you: get Dearfoams, or scuffs, or some type of slippers, and wear them all the time in the house.

The risk is not worth it.

I’ve got something I like better than O’Keefe’s. Seriously, it’s wonderful. A dermatologist recommended it to me: it’s free of dyes, fragrance, masking fragrance, lanolin, parabens, and formaldehyde. It was developed, the dermatologist said, by the Mayo Clinic (though it’s not manufactured by them). It disappears into the skin in a few moments–no stickiness at all–and then except for the softness, you can’t tell it’s there, but it stays on, doing its amazing skin-softening bit, for about 24 hours.

It’s called VANICREAM. You can get it at drugstores (Walgreen’s) or order it, as I do, from Amazon. It comes in a pump container. (There are variations in tubes and bottles, but go for the cream in the pump jar. Once I tried it, I’ve never gone back, and it’s been 9 years now.

To each her own, but this is the stuff for me.

Ready for a story?

I’ve always had places on the ol’ bod that are dry and itch like crazy. And I discuss this with my doctors. About 25 years ago, my doctor recommended “Acid Mantle” cream. I had to order it at the pharmacy. Doc said to not bother with the tube size, go ahead and get the jar. That was about thirty bucks. And 25 years ago, thirty bucks was a big ouch!

Good stuff, though. No smell, no irritants, just blessed relief.

So, a couple of years ago, I remembered that cream, and .i looked for it on Amazon.



Fortunately, I found O’Keeffe’s!

Was that crap made of ground up diamonds or something? Jeez, Louise!

I like shea butter… worth a try instead of cocoa butter. I have the same problem that sometimes the creams and salves might as well be made of platinum given the price, so check the ingredients lists.