(Old) Can You Hear that Cranberry "Schloop"? - A Thanksgiving MMP

I fully acknowledge my unforgivable depravity! (It’ll be staying up 'till after my birthday, Jan 20, if you need further reason to raise hackles~)

Thank you so much! I pride myself on balancing tidiness and coziness. The Boy’s name is Junior. He is large, obstreperous, and dumb as a post, but he is also very sweet and cuddly and he loves me more than any other living thing on the planet does.

That is definitely not a word I have ever encountered before, and I thank you for expanding my vocabulary.

Especially cuz it describes mine so very accurately.

Jiffy Corn Pudding . It comes out with a firmer consistency than creamed corn but not as firm as cornbread and is, IMNSHO, delicious.

Sonic. I couldn’t think of another good switch for Sonic, and having a 15 year old obsessed with Sonic the Hedgehog, it became BlueHedgehogBreakfast.

Actually, that part bothers me less. No major holidays that people decorate for in that time. :slight_smile:

And now, I really need to get this badonkadonk in gear.

I like it!

Dang, though, I really did move outta the South.
For me, there’s one in G.R. (between half an hour and an hour, each way) and then the next closest is Chicago, and I’m sorry, but if I’m making the trek to Chicago imma get way better food.

And if imma get comfort/nostalgia drive-thru, it’s gonna be a pair of those horrifying two-for-a-dollah “tacos” from Jack in the Box.
Although by now I’m sure they’ll be three bucks a piece or some nonsense. They better taste the same, though.

Reposting in the right thread…

I ordered a ‘Raiders bash’ fedora from the guy who made hats for the Indiana Jones movies… in November 2007. I never got my hat, so I left a bad review for his company.

They’ll take your money, but they won’t deliver.

Steve Delk’s Adventurebilt Hat Company makes hats for the Indiana Jones movie franchise. He has defrauded dozens of people of thousands of dollars by accepting full payment on his products, but failing to deliver. In my case, I fell for his excuses until the statute of limitations ran out. He has no intention of fulfilling backorders, nor of refunding money to his customers that did not receive the products they bought; nor will he reply to emails, telephone messages, or snail mail.

I’m NOT calling him a thief or a fraudster. Only that he takes customers’ money on the promise of delivering a hat, doesn’t send the hat, and keeps the money.

I was unemployed when I ordered the hat, but I decided to splurge. Adventurebilt hats are expensive nowadays (there’s another company with the same name, run by a friend/protégé of Steve Delk’s), but the hat I ordered was $260. A lot of money for a hat, but not as much as today.

Anyway, Steve Delk died about six weeks ago.

I like cranberry juice but don’t care for the canned stuff. One relative makes a relish that’s kind of tasty, but one eats it as a garnish, not a meal serving.

The heaving part went OK. I got sent up to the Mez, to find out that Z.A.C.(ZScaler Access Cat) had decided that Hazardous Ken and were not worthy of access to the online programs, so a sup did all the corrections, and Ken and I just did re spas and data entry. Then i was over at the 200 slide, since Senior Clerk was apparently off, so I ended up with a very long day, even before tonight’s shift. And I forgot they were cutting off the water in the building ,so I only got a dribble shower. I"m clean, but it still feels like I got soap residue on me.

I voted “McBreakfast”, since it’s too far for me to drive up and make you breakfast.

< crosses fingers >

Howdy, y’all! Currently lunching in the shop. Impatiently waiting to hear the results from the board meeting last friday as to if’n I’m building a boat.

Not nearly enough booze!

My recipe calls for 12 oz cranberries, 3/4 cup sugar, half a cup of vodka and 4 tablespoons Grand Marnier.

Last year I learned that they sell molds so homemade sauce will look like canned, LOL!

We are going to a friend’s place for dinner, so I’ll put it together Thursday morning.

Today I’m making Divinity and maybe sugar cookies depending my motivation.

SO exciting!

You dod really well against more qualified applicants, I have faith you will find your dream job soon!

There are 6 tablespoons of Grand M in a shot bottle. It would be a waste of cabinet room to put the other 2 tablespoons away for a year so I dispose of it properly.

As I mentioned in the Motorcycle thread, the guy working on my YZF-R1 went to school with the guy who stole my XJ600 a few years ago. That got me thinking about the knucklehead. So I’ve sent an email to the county’s Prosecuting Attorney to ask when/how to get my $1,600+ restitution.

I’m taking the dented replacement R1 tank and emblems to the body shop this afternoon, along with the old, rusted-out tank for reference when they put the emblems on. On the phone, the owner said he needed to see the tank but it will probably be $500 to $700 for repair, painting, and clear-coating. Ouch. It serves me right for parking it outside. :frowning:

Glad I’m not the only one.

@NinthAcolyte, very cute kitty.

Buddy has been known to climb into the box and use it during scooping. Little brat he is at times.

You do know we will demand pictures, right? :slight_smile:

We got plenty. And no snow. Come on down!

Morning, err “noon” all. Just finished lunch, so I’m definitely accomplishing stuff.

Finally rejoined the ranks of the driving public this morning, and took my own bad self to the doctor’s office, pharmacy, and library. Please note I didn’t say any of these trips were successful. The doc’s office changed my appointment to tomorrow - due to scheduling and stuff. The pharmacy didn’t have my prescription, due to stuff. And I forgot the library is closed on Monday’s until noon. But I GOT OUT! For the first time in a week – been cooped up too long I guess.

As for today, just first-world problems. The hot tub decided to spring a large leak precisely during the week I’m under severe limits (lifting, crawling, operating impact wrenches and other power tools, etc.). So I’ve been just adding water every day to keep it from getting too low and damaging pumps/heaters/stuff. Since I have guests in the house, I put them to work this morning running hoses, setting up pumps, and crawling under stuff to flip various important looking switches. And hopefully we’ll get it emptied and “winterized” prior to any really cold weather. I can crawl beneath and start repairs in a couple of weeks once I’m cleared for full chore-dom again.

Hurray for getting out. I am so glad things are working out so well after so long.

I’m not making Divinity after all. The folks who own the lot behind us are breaking up the concrete pad and tossing it into a dumpster. This is creating so much dust that I don’t want to open the windows. Oh well, it cools down even more when the sun goes down, so maybe I will get better results then.

i like bks croissants better …

Then the advice you got from @JaneDoe42 is the right answer! Your dough is probably a bit loose and needs a teensy addition of more flour.

One of the most important things I learned in making bread is to measure by weight, not volume. That way you can compensate for the moisture your flour may have absorbed while stored. My results improved vastly once I began using this method. Any digital kitchen scale will do.

If you do add flour, add it only a little at a time. Even half a teaspoon may do the trick. You may have to repeat the process a few times, but it’s better than making the dough too stiff.

Once you’ve got the consistency right, it should stop creeping up the hook.

Good luck!

No schloop, thanks. I’m a latecomer to cranberry sauce and only began to enjoy it when I started making it from scratch. I like whole berries, less sugar, some shreds of clementine and the juice of one, Gran Marnier optional. If the Glorious Can Shape is on the table, I’ll give it a miss, thanks.

We all like what we like, eh?

I am home. I told the hairstylist, “I hope you like a challenge!” She gave me a deep conditioning treatment, gently scolded me for abandoning curly girl practices (I’m really a wavy girl, but whatevs.), and only cut off 1/4"! I was astonished. Then I went to the mall to pick up a few things, and now I’m home with my feet up and an ice pack on my knee.

Thanks for all your kindness about my friend. She texted me today, and I’m hoping some of you can help me figure this out. Calling @BippityBoppityBoo! So the breast cancer is Stage 4, but it’s a very early stage 4, so she says she has lots of options. No chemo or radiation, which seems odd, but she does have to take pills. She didn’t say what kind but did say she’ll have to take them the rest of her life, which the doc said should be very long. Oh, and they have to do a biopsy of her humerus.

So many questions! What magical pills are these? I don’t think they’re estrogen inhibitors because she was on those before and would have said that’s what they are. (Also, she had terrible side effects, so she had to stop.)If she’s not having chemo, does that mean surgery to remove the cancerous lymph nodes on the lungs? I mean, if she’s not getting chemo, they have to do something about the cancer, right? And why biopsy the humerus bone, of all places?

Is calling it a “pudding” a Southern thing? I’ve always heard it called “Corn Casserole,” but it does sort of have the consistency of a steamed pudding. Whatever it’s called, it’s delicious, and you deserve a double helping!

All this cranberry talk reminds me…Am I the only one who thinks it odd that Wisconsin is the leading cranberry producer? I associate cranberries with New England. I watched the harvest there, plus they just se
em New England-y. I like it when states stick to the crop cliches.

This made me guffaw. I’ll have to share with my daughter.

I like the way you think, Tom Sawyer!

flyboy,, I hope you get restitution pronto.

Taters, puppy day can’t come soon enough! Also, I waved toward Haggen this morning.

Thank you. I needed the laugh.

The crim’s criminal history includes VUCSA (controlled substances) in 11/2010 and 12/2010, Felony (violation of no-contact order) 11/2015, possession of stolen vehicle 2/2017, and Theft 2 in 11/2020. He was charged with possession of a stolen property 2nd degree [sic] (my bike) 10/2020. And that’s just from the court order packet I got in 2021. I’ve tried to find his complete criminal history, but decided it was too much work. The first site I tried wanted $4.95 for everything it found in the state. But there were indications of a few/several more interactions (including something about child support) as of 2022.

Coastal Oregon also has a significant cranberry production.

I once read a book that mentioned a couple making whoopie in a cranberry bog (Yes, of course that’s the only part of the book I remembered, LOL!) so my mental image is of a more tropical area. Florida or Hawaii maybe?