Old, dusty, greasy role game books - what to do with them?

A guy offered a few rolegaming books on the local Freecycle group. I roleplayed when I was a kid and have many memories of it, but never did after the age of 16 or so, so I jumped on the offer and was fast enough to get them. I thought Yay! Free RPG goodness! I basically wanted to read them for the sake of nostalgy, you know.

There was more than one surprise waiting for me when I rang the guy’s door. First of all, did he mention a few books? Only in relative terms - it was a huge pile! I brought back a couple of big bags and filled up my backpack.

I found the other surprise when I got home and starting examining my newfound goodies. Many of them were greasy and dusty at the same time - the previous owner must have kept them in his kitchen or something like that.

So here I am, with a huge pile of dirty rolegaming books. First of all, how do I clean them? I certainly wouldn’t want to soak them or something. Secondly, what do I do with them? I even thought of putting together a group, but there seem to be few takers here in my University.

For the curious in the know, there is a RuneQuest box and some additional material (including a weird one with a sort of a duck in armor waving a sword around - hilarious!), a little Paranoia material, lots of Fading Suns books, some Star Wars stuff (D20 core book and some reference material for the D6 system), and even the D&D 3.0 core rulebooks.

Darnit man, and you just were late for the White Elephant!

I would have loved a few of those :smiley:

Don’t think you can clean the grease, for the dust just take them outside the house and shake vigorously. Since they’re softcover, passing your thumb rapidly over the edge opposite the binding is better at getting the dust moving than hitting books against each other.

In my opinion, this shop is the best for secondhand roleplaying manuals (and models).
Bear in mind these books aren’t worth a lot, but I’m confident you can give them a good home.

If you want a nearer one, here’s a list:


Would kinda be surprised if a little dust and grease were all that was found in old and well used RPG books. If you look closely, I suspect you may find stems, seeds, and other debris from a green leafy substance…

I have old first edition AD&D hardcover manuals in my bookshelf, well used and abused… Including the original Deities and Demigods…

Are these things worth anything anymore? Or would poor condition make them worthless?

They are not worth a lot, but particularly the Deities and Demigods if it includes Elric and the Grey Mouser would possibly sell for $50 to $100 even in well used state. In great condition, they could be worth a lot more. The DMG, MM & PH are not worth much. Do a search on E-Bay to get a good idea of the value.

Believe it or not, I still play D&D with these books. I only play about 6-9 times a year, but I will be starting back up next week I believe.


Ah, Runequest. That Duck waving a sword is from Apple Lane.

Y’know, Runequest/Glorantha is the most interesting RPG fantasy world ever created. Ever since Avalon Hill collapsed Glorantha has been divorced from the Runequest/Chaosium standard rules and is now supported by Greg Stafford’s more freeform rules, but there’s still plenty of material being created.

Go see www.glorantha.com. Good times, good times.

Any old copies of something called Chainmail?

I’d be interested.

Ooh, old Runequest stuff! When you say “a RuneQuest box,” do you mean a box set?

“Tommy, I think I have your Monster Manual. How can I tell? It has weed in it.”

True story.

Interesting. I have at my house a boxed set that appears to be the first Greyhawk modules. Seems they were hoping to be almost a stand alone game, as the box even came with those crappy dice, which I have, still in their bag.

Unless my daughter got to it a decade ago. I’ll have to check that when I get home… hehehe