(Old) Missing an hour in the MMP

Howdy Y’all! We deheathenated (the other Verger asked me if I would vest and serve Chalice with the other server as she (the other Verger) was a little hoarse due to allergies and didn’t want to have to say “The Blood of Christ, The Cup of Salvation, or, The Body and Blood of Christ keep you in eternal life” over and over, so I did cause I’m all nice like that dammit) and then had some nummy refreshments over in the Parish hall, so we didn’t get a McN.O.L. but came back to da cave for nappage. Sammiches were had a little bit ago, so no danger of starvation. I have also hauled the biiiiiig trash can all the way down to the road for pickup tomorrow ahead of the rain comin’ in anytime now.

JtC just for giggles, here is a video of a very funny comedian from West Virginia.

Kelly Terranova

Well, that was a day. Load-in for the high school musical, we had about 20 eager, but highly un-skilled students to “help.” The sound of a screw gun stripping out screws will echo my ears for a couple of days. But much got done, most of the set is in, and the cast will be able to use it for rehearsal tomorrow.

Must remember to re-stock the lunch bag with ibuprofen.

Busy times for y’all. I did read teh last 80 posts, but that’s a lot to answer tit-for-tat. So Hooray for the progress and boo for all the myriad frustrations great and small. Plus hugs where appropriate.

My yesterday was largely an exercise in frustration. My bro can be challenging when he gets in “harangue the masses” mode. Which set in early. As well, the kitchen sink at SIL’s place had backed up and she awoke to 6" of shit-water in there stinking up her kitchen. Bro is a tradesman, so we spent our joint vacation / birthday celebration day with him fixing clogged plumbing in her townhouse while harranguing the masses on the injustices of a world not led by plumbers and other tradesmen as should rightly be the case.

Eventually I escaped and had a very nice late dinner fireside at the hotel.

Today I’ve made the rounds of some nostalgia fast food places in SoCal, hit a couple of the nearby piers to soak up the ambiance, and shortly will set off for some on-foot art gallery touring here in Laguna. Which had been yesterday’s plan until the shit-water intervened.

Might hook up w Bro & SIL for dinner. Or not. His work comes first to him and it’s a rare Sunday that doesn’t contain a crisis or three. His actual occupation can best be described as “emergency 24/7/365 repairman for any/everything that can go wrong in a restaurant.” If he can’t fix it and keep your kitchen and bathrooms humming you probably need the fire department or a SWAT team.

Of course a holiday weekend in a resort town with every seat in every bar and restaurant filled all day will contain some crises.

The weather remains a cool shade of lovely. I’m off to hike & ogle.

Cheers all! And a Happy St. Pats!

See you in the next MMP if not later tonight.

A little snow this morning, but its gone now.
Normal for March temperatures this week.
Went to church at 10.45. It was the pastors 4th year at the church so after service, we had a nice meal- turkey (yes!), chicken, green beans, mac and cheese.
Then at 3.30 we had a visiting pastor to honor our pastor and wife. So I left the church at 5.30. At church for 7 hours. Loved it.
Especially since we have a 13 yr old in the choir who can wail better than James Brown!
Tomorrow I go to a place where I can pick out clothes for free.
Hoping they have spring clothes.

Participant List
Spectator List

We got home a couple of hours ago. I spent a bit of time with Annie and then tried to take a nap unsuccessfully. Now I’m up and downing some Aleve. Hopefully my legs will be happy in a bit. I have an appointment Thursday with the orthopedist to try to figure out what is going on.

The rest of the evening will be what I like to call QPT (Quality Poodle Time)!

Laundry is drying, having a Wisconsin O’Fashioned and watching hockey. I cannot put away my sheets however, because somebody is sacked out in the laundry drawer of my dresser.

He was an ultra rairity. A Raleigh, N.C. native. And yeah, he did have a bit of drawl to his bark. And I miss the weirdo, too.

Do not hide dry ice in your robes and scream and smoke when dipped in.

Evening all. Got my meatloaf dinner at Logan’s with a beer (well, Coors Light) and then did penance at the gym for a couple of hours, so the night-time has been internettin’ and sloth in equal measure. Got a bunch of e-mail out on soccer, things do look promising, so hopefully Tuesday we’ll have a good turnout. Ended up being a rather nice day once the clouds departed around noon, about 65F for the high, just hope the rest of the week is that good. Saw the evidence that one of my neighbors has done the first mowage of the season, I am tempted but refuse to start mowing until April or it gets above 75F when I’m in the mood to mow–we’ll see what occurs first.

FCM, sounds like less than square dealing to me; hope it works out for the best.

Coppertone, I haven’t spent that many hours in church in the last 30 years total. But it obviously is encouraging and a place of happiness for you, so good on ya!

Taters, hope the installation went well.

Boo fae, trains and you are always an entertaining read for me.

Sticky Buns, those baptism rules were great, much thanks for sharing.

And another alcoholic is born… :dizzy_face: :wink: :wink: :laughing:

Cookie, hoep the cat gets to doing better.

VanGo, with that many 'assistants", just be glad anything got done.

Pilot, Bro’s can be a challenge anytime, but sounds like you got out and about on your own, which is a good thing.

OK, some final internettin’ and I think I;ll be heading off to bed fairly early tonight. Take care and I’ll catch up with y’all on the next MMP.

Poor lil girl. It is so hard when our fuzzbutts fail.

I was really surprised to learn that red WV has a higher covid vaccination rate than almost purple AZ. But…I live in redneck rural country, I’ve gotten jaded over the years. Someone used to fly a flag that said “Trump won! Fuck your feelings!” The flag was taken down after he died of covid.

While I would love to live somewhere green, Mom got really upset at the idea of us moving further away and moving is a PITA. Plus, I have a great support system here. Living in the same area for over thirty years does have it’s advantages.

I’ve started mentioning things we would have do do again (proper mobility ramp, bidets, walk in bath tub, all new appliances, paint, ceiling fans, etc.), all little shit in the big picture, but doing it one thing at a time was a bother, doing everything at once will not be much fun at all.

That is an excellent suggestion and I agree that Cat Glove might want to ask as long as it is medically safe for Mr. Glove. What’s the worse that could happen?

Thank you so much, it got several LOLs as well :slight_smile:

That sounds exhausting, I’m glad you managed to escape!

Which is always a good way to spend time!

So hubs spent the day looking at homes and we learned that another issue is that so many of the homes available have stairs. Basements, two stories or both. Plus, they are almost all bigger than what we currently have and I am constantly dealing with the whole “stuff will accumulate to fill any given area” thing.

Today Mom told me that my sister that lives with wrecked her (sister’s) car again and has started using Mom’s car to go to work. When this happened last July, sister wrecked Mom’s car as well.


What about Colorado? It’s green and closer to Utah and cold for a lot of months so wouldn’t be conducive for bike riding and depending on where you live would have acceptable politics.
Of course, I totally understand why you wouldn’t want to move: Tai Chi, friends, food giveaways, donating to the library and various peeps, knowing how to get from here to there numerous ways, and as you elaborated, your home has already been renovated to suit you two, etc.

I managed to get most of the things done on my list except for laundry and working out on the NuStep. Additionally I refilled the liquid soap dispensers in both bathrooms and kitchen; also made jello for Hubs and mashed a sweet tater for dinner for him. Now just waiting for daughter and Bella to arrive, looks like she’s about 25 minutes away per Find My Friend. Then I’ll hit the hay because tomorrow will be here before I know it.

Happy Sunday!

Happy St Patrick’s Day!

I caught up reading last night, well mostly, but was too tired to type.

In no particular order
and I’m sorry if I forget anybody.

Red is right, Charlestown is about 45 minutes from me. If you move there, JtC, we would practically be neighbors.
I’d also be so jealous, because I love West Virginia, and probably should have moved there.

{{{Cat Glove}}}

I went to the pain doctor on Friday and she will not increase gabapentin because she said I am building up a tolerance and if she increases it now, 3 months from now I’ll want more. She suggested rearranging the time I take it to taking two pills at bedtime and one during the day.
I’m so tired of waking up at 330 or 4 in pain.
I’m checking out some videos on exercises for sciatica pain.

I go to the knee doctor tomorrow to get a shot in my knee. It’s not hurting, yet, but it’s been 8 months since my last shot, so better to get one before it starts hurting.

Cookie, I’m sorry about your kitty

Hippie, I’m sorry about your old boss.

FCM, I’m not sure how many ‘yards’ the daycare has. I know big dogs are separated from small dogs, and puppies are separated from adults. They used to put Ripple in with the puppies though, because he was so good with them. From what I have seen from photos and videos there are several yards for the big dogs, and people are out there playing and doing activities with them. When it’s hot outside, they bring out wading pools for the dogs.
I don’t know how wel the job pays, but I’m sure it’s fun for the workers.
I’m sorry your MIL is not easy.

I heard from Cerby dad a few days ago. Cerby is doing well. He still has a few issues with him but he is getting better all the time. When Cerby acts up he makes him work until he is too tired to act out anymore.
My son doesn’t want to put curtains in one of the family room windows. He likes that he can look out into the yard to check on the dogs. It’s all fields back there and so not much need for privacy, I got a bunch of suncatchers to hang in the window, and finally figured out a way to hang them,
It’s a good thing we don’t have Cerby, he would go nuts with all the colors reflected onto the walls.

Oh, thank you so much! I always feel like a bad person when I get amused at that sort of thing, validation is always appreciated :slight_smile:

Hubs liked CO so much that he has the state flag tattooed on his arm. He is now convinced that CO, WA and OR are too expensive to even think about. He also wants to be closer to his family-but not too close-in case I get run over by a beer truck.

Retirement was great for me, I started building friendships and getting involved in neighborhood activities. Retirement was horrible for him. He choose to become a full time gamer and all of his friends drifted away or died. All of his current friends are my friends and he honestly has become very isolated.

It’s complicated. Le sigh.

I fell in love with the state on my first visit. It is OMG so beautiful and green and lush. I’m really amazed at how many of the homes we have looked at have basements because the water table is so high there.

I think we will be heading out that way sometime soon. Probably not this month because he has jury duty at the end of the month and we both take that seriously. It won’t be the first couple of weeks in April because of the eclipse.

We should probably start planning a mini-Dopefest, but then everyone would meet hubs and think that he’s a wonderful and smart man who has been unfairly maligned over the years. Well…he is a wonderful, smart and very handsome man who spent the last four or five years in isolation while drinking the Flavor-aid.

Had a fine late afternoon evening of eating and drinking and lazing about in my accustomed style.

Were this me in your home rather than you, April would happen on schedule in ~13 days, 75F would be not too far from then, and the mood would occur promptly around 2035. As in the year, not as in shortly after 8:30pm. :grin:

He’s a great guy. Well educated, erudite, well-read, intellectually rigorous, morally upright, unselfish and communal to an extreme, and utterly wasted at the job he got cornered into. As a result he spends hours a day mentally alone in the company of droolers while mulling the larger world alone in his head. His disappointment at the shortcomings of the rest of lesser highly selfish humanity is palpable. He’s becoming monomaniacal and it’ll eventually be a real problem (like your hubs) if he doesn’t come back from teetering at the brink. Every life is a tragedy in its own way.

Him living in one of the fatcat real estate con artists always win Meccas of the whole damned planet doesn’t help. He’s swimming in their shit. Were he living in Apache Junction or Des Moines the world would seem much more just because he wouldn’t be watching the exploiters strutting their superiority while tightening the screws on the workin’ stiffs more every day.

Ya gots a real winner there. Is that a drug / alcohol problem, or just a clueless can’t be bothered to pay attention problem?

Darwin was right: Every time that happens, humanity is incrementally improved. Just keep that idea in mind and you can celebrate their self-imposed deaths with not only a clear conscience, but with active happiness. As I do.

He’s deeply discontented with retirement. So now he intends to destroy both his and your support network in pursuit of what exactly? Living in the same time zone as relatives he doesn’t much like and doesn’t have a relationship with?

This totally sounds like you’ve decided to be a passenger on a ship captained by a madman.

I’m a spectator and my understanding is limited to what you’ve said plus/minus my own misunderstanding of that. But so far it sounds like he’s presented this move to [someplace] as a fait accompli and you’re acquiescing by default.

You are the brains of the outfit in the current situation of his a) having fallen down the RW rabbit hole and b) general senile deterioration. You know him and your relationship while I don’t, but my thought would be: Don’t let his bad ideas gather steam. Nip them early while they’re nippable.

If you wanna live where it’s green(er), then go pick some place and do your own research. He can play games online alone from anywhere, even a cruise ship with 5000 other people aboard (I kid, I kid).

But my point is serious. You are connected to this place and would need to be similarly connected in any new place. He is disconnected everywhere always; the destination of his move won’t affect that. The destination of your move hugely will. So you should pick where, why, whether, and when. Not him. And it’s not about house prices or about floor plans or SF. It’s about community and values and potential friends.

FYI, having lived in many regions of the country, it seems that single story no-basement houses are pretty much limited to the southernmost tier of states only, and even then only in sparsely populated areas and some cities but not others.

Good luck. Be careful.

Bedtime here. Tomorrow is comfortable wake-up, shevel, feed, then meander to the airport & go home.

Maybe they learned something? How not to strip a screw is a very useful life skill.

… and the setup to so many juvenile jokes.

I hope you find something in your size and very favorite color!
… matter of fact, I hope you find several somethings!

I lurve you; please let’s always be friends.

What a shame. /s

Wise man.

Oh, what’d you use? Those suction cup hook thingies, or has technology improved since the last time I wanted to do this?

We got even more snow tonight - starting with those little hard pellets Sweet Manager likened to Dippin’ Dots (remember those …?) and progressing to full-on lake effect, snow globe style.
But it’s been warm enough that it’s not reeeeeally sticking.

For now.

The irony is that we didn’t have a white Christmas but got snow on St. Paddy’s Day. Plus a helluva snowstorm on Halloween. Like, what the fuck, Michigan weather; get your shit together. Stop hatin’ on holidays like that.

Up, caffeinated, or sheveled. Off to heave.

“Think of how stupid the average person is. Half of them are dumber than that.” - George Carlin