(OLD) Out and About in the MMP

Morning, mumpers! It’s 11c/52f with a predicted high of 17c/62f and cloudy. Weather app says “Let’s make Play-Doh moulds of our genitalia and show them to the fucking neighbours”. Perhaps not!

Yesterday was a far too active day for a Sunday so today should be a bonus day of slothage. But we are away from home and there’s exploring to be done.

What are you doing with your day?


Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 55 Amurrkin out and cloudy with a predicted high of 68 and mostly cloudy for the day. I didn’t report back in after the big feast yestiddy due to bein’ tired and havin’ some more issues with my laptop. I fear I may need to bite the bullet and get a new one soon. The biggest item on my agenda today is to refill two ‘scripts which necessitates a call to the pharmacy as soon as it opens up and then goin’ to get said refills. Other than that it shall be a day of high sloth and general overall uselessness. Sup shall be leftovers from the big feast of Easter. Oh, maybe I’ll see about scorin’ some cheap chawklit whilst out and about. That would be a worthy adventure!

BooFae hope ‘im indoors and you are havin’ a good time in your travels. You’re in Germany, right?

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Moanday Y’all!

My day? Back to the boat to sand the transom and apply the first coat of Cetol. Plus I’ll be helping FCD empty the degreaser from the leaky fuel tank so he can make the repair. And if I have any energy left, I’ll start washing the hull. In fact, the transom and the hull should occupy the next 4 days for me. I’m exhausted already!! Temps in the low 60s today, low 70s tomorrow, then we hit the 80s, so the weird weather continues!

SIL is supposed to come to the boatyard to borrow the truck for a couple of hours - they have an old sofa and an old door to take to the dump, plus whatever other stuff they find to be dumped. So busy fun day ahead for all!

Plus before we leave, I need to water the ground cover I planted on Firday. That will be easy, tho, since I left the hose stretched across the yard.

And so it begins. Happy Moanday!!

Very warm days this week. We went out and got some sun in our eyes yesterday; can’t remember the last time we did that. Took about a six block walk, which was tough on the knee, but felt good otherwise.

We’re still on norovirus lockdown here, but it will hopefully be lifted in the next couple of days.

Sorry for being so scarce the last couple weeks. Between trying to get the house ready for Passover, and trying to put together the 10 plagues of Egypt Carnival for our Sabbath School. I have been Uber busy, not to mention irk. The carnival was a smashing success. And I think our little people had a real good time. All I got to worry about this week is making stuff for the potluck on Wednesday. I want to try making some homemade butter. Also going to make unleavened cookies, matzo crack and jambalaya. But first , I got to work. Wahhhhhh. Happy moanday Indeed! Love to all!

Morning all. Another nice day here in N. Ali-bama, 70F for a high and a 1% chance of rain. Unlike yesterday’s time of high sloth, I will get out today, first for shopping-n-sammich time, then go to the gym for swimming and sauna, and finally coach girl’s soccer after a week of bad weather. So that should keep me moving around.

boo fae, normally my travels are in June-July, but this year, between the Antarctic trip in February and the planned Panama Canal trip with a bunch of my friends in November, I’m sort of a loose ends this time around; plus the fence + water + ductwork have made major deductions to my budget, so travel may be local only this summer. We’ll see. Enjoy Germany, rest later.

That’s an…odd…name for a Carnival. At least everyone had fun.

FCM, swabbin’ the decks has nothing on you. Take care.


OK, need to finish the morning internettin and then prepare myself for the wider world. Have a good week all.

Hi all. Today dawned gray and raining as I got out to the balcony. Warm & pleasant under the roof, but instantly soaked out in the world. As is usual in SoFL, the rain is spotty & wanders to and fro. I’ve been out here an hour now and the nearest rain is probably 15 miles away. I can see direct sunlight in the distance on some of the ocean, so clear skies aren’t far away.

Her Ladyship tired herself out more yesterday than she expected. In many ways she’s not as young as I am, despite our very similar birthdates. Then again she was standing and walking and cooking for hours while I was rolling around on the floor or couch w kidlets (or running after them), and standing on hard floors gets old quickly.

My cold or allergy has passed (with loratadine; I’m a convert) and I’m now eligible for overtime irk today which almost certainly won’t happen, plus ordinary salary-irk Tue-Thu which probably will happen. Le Sigh.

Absent irk, otherwise the day shall be slothful.

Cheers all.

Overlygirl absolutely hates her brace. There have been tears and misery whenever she wears it. I get that the discomfort is kind of the nature of the beast, but if it’s really uncomfortable to the point where she’s miserable wearing it, I’ll give the doc a call in a couple of days. I mean, the point is to be able to get used to it, not to succumb to a mideval torture device. Maybe they’ll be able to make some adjustments to make it more bearable. Poor kid. Though it’s hard to tell at this point whether it’s largely embarrassment - she’s horrified at the possibility someone might know she’s got a brace on. I’m trying to think fo ways to make it less awful, but coming up short. Maybe creativity will kick in with more coffee.

Anyway, it’s gonna be absolutely stunningly beautiful this week. Hopefully we’ll all get out and about. My husband’s best man is going to be in town this week, so we’re going out to dinner with him and his wife this evening and likely driving downtown for famed frozen custard.

Our higher ups are starting to make noise about getting people back into the office once more. We shall see how that pans out. I think they mistakenly believed that if they offered us enough free lunch, we’d return in droves. But perhaps if that was their goal, they should’ve not announced permanent workspace flexibility (i.e., working from home whenevber you wanted) and possibly shouldn’t have made more than 90% of the new positions remote, only to walk that back now. Just a thought. But what do I know?

Oh, well - network drives finally mapped so I can do my job. Guess I should go do it now. Hope all the Dope has a great day.

Yes we are in Hamburg, posting live and direct from the beerverage place!

If I may ask without exposing too much of your secrit identity, which downtown and which famous frozen custard?

Ted Drewes Frozen Custard in St.Louis MO was my custard drug of choice back before my decrepit pancreas put a stop to that particular addiction. Abaco Mocha for the win!

Good morning, all. Today I’m continuing to move furniture around so the window guys will be able to get at the windows, remove the windows, and put in new windows. This window business will start while I’ve got another commitment, so we need to to get it mostly set up beforehand, and I’m the heavy lifting/IKEA hex wrench girl around here.

:notes:I can hear the belt a screechin’, the bags are jammed up in the bend
and I ain’t see a SSLAW work in I don’t know when
I’m stuck in frickin’ Preload, and time keeps dragging on
But they can hear the belts screaming down in San Antone

When I was just a rookie, my Super told me “Son,
Always be a good drone, don’t look like you’re having fun”
But I sent a package to Reno, just to watch it die
When I hear a Pig horn blowin’, I hang my head and cry…

I bet there’s drivers sitting in fancy Package Cars
They’re probably drinking coffee, and delivering cigars
I know what was coming, I know I won’t get free
But those drivers get to leave, and that’s what tortures me…

If they freed me from this platform, if that Package Car was mine
I bet I’d move it a little farther down the line
Far from frickin’ Preload, that’s where I want to stay
And I’d let that truck horn blow my blues away…

: waves at Pearl :
Yeah, you were busy :slight_smile:

I have a dr. appt. this morning, so I slept in until 9ish. Rolled out of bed headed out for breakies. Spinach and feta omelette, French fries, white toast with orange marmalade. The orange marmalade made my morning.

Heading out to the doctor in a few, then laundry and the start of spring cleaning.

I’m getting a taste of the fickleness of spring in the desert. Just a few days ago we had highs in the 50s. Today is going to be the first 90 of the year and tomorrow is predicted to shoot up to 96. Then we’re back into the 70s by the end of the week.

But, truth be told, we haven’t been leaving the house all that much. Mrs W acts like she’s melting whenever it gets above 80 and she’s happy to stay in the AC all day. I prefer to be out in the world. Not sure if I’m going to be the work-from-home type in the long run. We shall see.

My Monday plans include doin’ the day job (which has been on the quiet side so far :crossed_fingers: ) plus some off-and-on volunteer-related stuff. My bariatric support group has their monthly in-person meeting this evening, but I’m not going: there’s a new facilitator who moved the start time from 7pm to 6pm, and so far it’s always been too hard to leave the house early enough to deal with the extra rush hour traffic. Today I don’t even want to try, because I already know that (a) I’ll be tired later and (b) I won’t feel like leaving the doggy (I was out of the house for a good chunk of yesterday). So, once I’m done with work I’ll do a lot of nothing. :grin: Today I’m also waiting to hear from the vet about scheduling Bailey’s procedure (from the last thread: she has a growth on one of her legs that needs to be removed).

I just realized that I haven’t been to a bariatric support group meeting all year. In addition to changing the start times they also moved all of the meetings from Tuesdays to Mondays, and so far the monthly virtual meetings have conflicted with volunteer meetings. I’ve been going to therapy all year, so I’ve been alright, but I kinda miss that group. The next virtual meeting is the evening after my uncle’s funeral: I don’t have a volunteer meeting then, but there’s a fair chance I’ll decide to drive home that evening (though I have the hotel room until the next day). If I don’t make that one, maybe I’ll try to make an effort to get to the next in-person meeting.

I’m out of bananas (and the good frozen pizzas) and nothing in the house is appealing to me for lunch, so I think I’ve just talked myself into going to the grocery store shortly… :slight_smile:

Same here!

But only becase the dog doesn’t have opposable thumbs.

Today’s Facebook memories included the following post from 2017: “Am I the only person left in my industry who doesn’t prefer telecommuting?” Heh. Although in the past few months working from home has finally started to become easier for your friendly neighborhood extravert, I would still happily go to the office 2-3 days a week if anyone else were ever there.

(I can’t work anywhere public, like a coffee house or coworking space, because of restrictions on who’s allowed to see the content on my customer’s laptop/network. My desk at work is in a room that’s access controlled because of those restrictions, so I also can’t even just go sit somewhere else where there are more people around. It’s been a challenging three years for me, psychologically, but like I said I’m finally starting to adjust.)

TMI Warning!!!
Many moon ago, the girlfriend who became my first wife, Decided that we should gift her bestie a candle in the shape of an erect penis. (Ours was not to reason why.) Since in those days I was the very frequent owner of such an object we knew where to get one. We procured some play-doh and some wax and proceeded to make a mold using the play-doh, (yes it worked), and subsequently produced the desired object. It was a big hit with said bestie.
End of TMI.

We don’t have any plans for the day, and since it’s threatening rain hereabouts, we prolly won’t be out and about much.
This saturday is one of our town’s free cleanup days and I may sort out some grabbage and toss it in the back of the truck this week, but I don’t know if any of that will happen today.
Slothage may ensue instead.

I hope you all have the week that you deserve.

Yep, that’s where we’re going! Sadly I probably won’t partake either (ice cream does something to my stomach of which we shall not speak), but it’ll be cool to stand around and chat.

Standing O!!!

We’re home. Here’s what I did today:
Tomorrow, it gets a second coat, Weds the third, Thurs, the topcoat.

Tomorrow, I’ll also start washing the hull. So fun day ahead. The rest of today is for chillage and crocheting.

Happy Moanday, chums! I’m so glad to be posting again but even happier to read what you’re up to.

I had a wonderful Easter. I met the new dog–OMG, sooo sweet and calm and affectionate. She has silky, slick fur, mostly brown but with black markings, and huge brown eyes. She loves to look out windows and will spend hours placidly watching the rain and waiting for squirrels. Son and wife brought me a beautiful potted hyacinths. I love hyacinths. DIL also made a carrot cake from scratch and bunny sugar cookies, some front-facing and some with little puffy tails. And they brought a lot of candy.

After dinner, the kids cleaned up and did the dishes–son body-blocked me from entering the kitchen–and we all went for a walk in the rain. Then son, wife, and all three dogs fell asleep. They woke up, packed up, and left at 7:30. Now it’s just me and 7 pounds of ham. I cannot eat 7 pounds of ham, and I have no freezer space. Any ideas?

I’m intrigued. It sounds like something kids would love. Was there one booth per plague? Was it interactive?

FCM, the boat is looking wonderful! When do you anticipate everything will be ship-shape, and you’ll be boating again? Also, I take it SIL has been feeling better?


Pilot, sounds like you have a gorgeous view from your balcony. Glad you’re feeling better.

wordy, I hope the brace can be adjusted so overlygirl can wear it more comfortably. I can only imagine how hard it is for her emotionally. I read that 2-3% of kids have scoliosis, so odds are there’s at least one kid in her school who’s also wearing a brace. If she doesn’t know who that might be, it should help her understand it’s not the Huge Humiliating Thing she’s afraid it’ll be. Do her friends know?

lily, will the windows be done today then? I hope it all goes smoothly.

I hope you don’t mind my asking, but how is all that going, psychologically speaking? Have you adapted to the change in portions, etc.? I’m not being nosy. Well, OK, I guess I am, but I still hope my sister might consider bariatric surgery, and the psychological adjustments she’d need to make concern me.

doggio, the Man in Black has nothing on you. Well done, sir!