Old School Dopers?

Hi there,

I’ve recently returned to the SDMB after a very long hiatus. I reckon I began posting on this board in either 1998 or 1999. I contributed somewhat regularly, but stopped using the board regularly sometime around 2001 (and was hardly seen during the “user pays” time period).

I remember the time when something went wrong with the SDMB server, and we all had to move over to some temporary host. Remember that?

It’s great to see that it’s a free board again. I’m just wondering how many “old school” dopers are still around?

Some of the more prominent posters whose names I remember from back in the day were names like:


And a bit later on… Fenris.

Are there many “old school” dopers still around?

(Apologies if threads of this nature have appeared in the not too recent past).

UncleBeer is still around occasionally. OpalCat contributes regularly and even Fenris has made his presence known as of late.

jarbabyj changed her name to tiny ham (sp?) but has left the board. I don’t know what manhatten is up to but he too has left, I believe. I’m sure others can fill in more details.

Nice to see you here though and welcome back.


I have vague memories of you. I could be miles off base here but did you used to contribute to some gambling/cards related threads?

DanielintheWolvesDen was banned. Did you post under the same name back then? I’m much newer, but welcome back just the same.

No, I posted under a different nick. I think I’ve used a few nicks over the years.

I want to say the earliest Dopers refer to themselves as the 99’ers or something close to that. You might search in this Forum for some of the usernames you are looking for to find threads that reference that phrase, too - there have been a few where some of the history of old Dopers was shared…

Hmmm… CalD, I don’t recall that but there have been a couple of memorable poker experiences I may have shared before.

In addition to the names you’ve mentioned, you’ll see a lot of lengthy members around here still.

I like to keep it old school. I get scared when I want to reference a thread from the last couple of years and then find out it was really six or seven years ago. How time flies.

I’ve been here since, uh, well, when it was AOL. ( I was another name that I cannot recall.) but I’ve been posting crap since the early days.

I started posting in 2000, after several months of lurking. Still here.

We only allow one account per person, CalD, so please e-mail me at sdmb@skipmagic.net with your old user name(s).