(Old) Summers of Childhood Past in the MMP

Happy birthday, Wheelz!! :partying_face:

We lived in several different places when I was a kid; also, I have few memories of summers. No trauma or anything, and I’m only 51…I guess I just have a lousy memory. :slight_smile: But I do remember walking railroad tracks: the house I spent most of my childhood in was next to some tracks* – then used for infrequent freight trains, now used for the light rail that goes into Baltimore – and sometimes my brother and/or I would walk the 1/2 mile to the next town, which had a tiny shopping center that contained both a dime store and a place that sold milkshakes. I remember knowing that if I heard a train coming, I should go into the treeline: if trees were standing, it meant that trains (and their cowcatchers) didn’t hit them.

*There was no good/bad side. :grin:

Work is blessedly quiet today (*knocks on wood*). I do have one more meeting, right about now, but it’s just a status call and should be over pretty quickly…maybe even by the time I click “reply” on this post. And there are two files that will need to be delivered to the customer this afternoon: one of my direct reports is editing them right now, but my review and submission shouldn’t take long. There’s a chance this whole week could be on the quiet side… :crossed_fingers:

I have a volunteer-related Zoom meeting this evening, but our president has promised it will be quick and I’m planning to stay off-camera…which means I’ll participate via iPad from my couch, instead of via my personal computer from my home office.

All in all, if I haven’t jinxed things it should be a pretty good day/night here in beautiful – and only 85° but muggy, with a forecasted high of 91° – Northern Virginia.

Going over rules of grammar for their native language just doesn’t excite many adults, either. :wink: As a long-time professional writer and editor, I’m often tasked with helping grown people with this stuff. One of my proudest moments was coming up with the “zombies” explanation for detecting passive voice: if you can add “by zombies” to the end of a sentence, it’s passive voice. For example: “The meetings will be held every month (by zombies)” = passive voice, vs “The team lead will hold meetings every month.”

So does Bailey. :smiley: For the first few years of her life she always wore a collar, but at some point I decided she might be more comfortable sleeping without one. Since then she’s been nekkid whenever she’s inside the house. (Also, it took an embarrassingly long time for me to start using a harness vs attaching a leash to her collar…I think I got the “leash and collar” thing from my ex, who already had a dog when we adopted puppy Bailey, but sometimes I just don’t know WTF I was thinking.) When we go into the back yard she only wears a harness, so the only time she wears a collar now is if we’re leaving the property.

:open_mouth: I will stop complaining about 91 and muggy!