Oldest murder victim?

A morbid question perhaps, but who is the oldest person ever to die by foul play?


Actually, I think Otzi the caveman might have the record.

After some casual Googling, I found this sketchy report of a body of a 102-year-old woman found in a mass grave in Bosnia-Hercegovina in 2000. Presumably she was the victim of foul play.

I also found a case where a nursing home operator was arrested for investigation of second-degree murder in the death of a 102-year-old, but no murder charges were filed and the operator eventually pleaded guilty to second-degree assault in a plea agreement.

Did some more Googling and stumbled across this report from Amnesty International about massacres that occurred in El Salvador in December of 1981

I also found this PDF file which contains a report about forensic investigations of atrocities in Kosovo by members of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police which says

And, finally, here’s one I’m not at all sure about. My French is almost non-existant, but I think this is saying that a Vietnamese man was given the death sentence for strangling his 107-year-old grandfather in 2002

Yup, Trân Van Khoa killed his 107 year old grandfather, Trân Vinh. Apparently he said he did it because gramps had lived too long. But the government’s blaming the bad influence of capitalism.


I bet they say that every time a 107-year-old gets strangled…