OMFG! WTF IS That Smell?!?

Amen. If they want a raise, give it to them.

My mom’s golden retriever, bless his heart, would have eaten the steak. Then he’d have run inside and puked it up.

That’s what he did with a TV dinner that fell out of the freezer they had on the back porch in New Orleans. In the summer. It had been there at least a week, maybe a bit more, somehow unnoticed. Maggots and all. I’m told the smell from the puke was unbelievable. Fortunately I was several states away.

Rotten maggoty used-to-be-food is bad enough without a side trip through an idiot dog’s stomach!

This thread could be a new fad diet. Just read the first page, and your appetite instantly disappears. I’m expecting the pounds to just melt off.

Why did I decide to have a midnight snack and read this thread?

I hope it wasn’t steak :slight_smile:

I did call the store once I got home (it’s about 45 minutes from my home) and they couldn’t find it - the store and I assumed that someone else ended up with the bag of steak. Well, someone didn’t - something(s) did - several hundred maggots. They said to come in and pick up the $$ I had spent (it was $9 IIRC).

FWIW, I did call the store and told them I had, err found my lost lunch. They laughed and said don’t worry about it.

Whoohoo! “How to get rid of carpoolers in one easy step” :wink:

It’s threads like this that give me hope for our society, and keep me coming back to the Dope all these years! Sniff. Now if we could just have a good old-fashioned poo thread by** lieu**, and maybe a pimple thread or two(I have the classics bookmarked) my life would be complete.

Don’t forget the threats about farting. Priceless, priceless.

I’d prefer to be threatened with farts than actually assaulted by them. Although I suppose the threats would not work as well for everything, imagine the mugger approaching you and saying “gimme your wallet or I’ll fart you up real good!”.

I’ll be putting all my groceries in the trunk from now on, thank you!

OOh, I got one for ya. I went out to fish with my roomate while I was stationed in Fl. We heard about this somewhat secluded spot that was tough to get to - so the fishing was good. We followed the directions we were given and we ended up driving on a beach. The road had gone from pavement, to gravel, to just sand and ended up at the ocean. There were tracks, so we kept going. Well, as it turns out, those tracks were either from 4WD trucks or ATV’s because the front end of the Neon we were driving got buried up to the fenders when we got to the real loose sand. We ended up digging at the front of that car for probably an hour before someone showed up with a truck and pulled us out. At that point, we both felt more like drinking than fishing so we headed to a bar. We got good and drunk and went home and passed out. The next day, I drove him to the airport - he was going home on leave for the next week and a half. His car stayed parked in our driveway. His black car stayed parked in the 100°+ Florida sun for 10 days while he was gone.

Because of our unfortunate luck at the fishing spot and subsequent drunkeness, neither of us thought to unload his car. In addition to the fishing poles and other assorted gear, he also had over a pound of squid that we were planning on baiting sharks with. There are not words to describe the nastiness that awaited him when he got back. He cleaned his car, took it to professionals to have it cleaned, and invested heavily in air fresheners but the smell never did come out. His car always smelled like air fresheners and rotten squid. At least he always got out of driving if we were going anywhere together.

I always save threads like this for my lunch hour.

Nothing to compare to squid of course, but allow me to present for your olfactory edification.

An overlooked gallon of milk souring and exploding in the trunk.

I removed all the liners and padding and left them in the back yard for a few weeks.

Squid is baaaad. Milk is baaad (notice, not as bad, as there is one less “a”).

The only other experience that even came close to reaching this level would be - again in my car. I used to have a habit of leaving my lunchbag in the car when I came home form work.

I was on vacation for a week, in the summer, and used my truck instead (I was at camp most of the week). Sunday, I came back, and went to grab my lunch bag from the front seat.

Without even opening the door, I could tell right away something was wrong. You see, my lunch bag is rectangular in shape, and has an “easy access” panel on the top, secured by a peice of velcro. I never use it.

Looking through the window, I can see right away that something is amiss, as this flap has been flipped in the open position. Hmm, I don’t think anyone opened my car (I leave it unlocked) to see what goodies are in my lunch bag; no snack-stealing bullies in my neighborhood that I know of. The top is flecked with some brown substance. Hmm. I took this all in in the space of a few seconds and opened the door without thinking…


My lunch, two Fridays previous, was chicken and pasta in white sauce - leftover from my dinner the night before. We happened to order out at work that day, so my lunch went untouched. During my absence, it decided to wanted to grow. As in enough fermentation to blow the lid off the plastic container holding it captive, allowing it to “breathe” (or is it breed?) freely. I did make the mistake of looking inside the bag.


I no longer own that lunchbag.
Nor the plastic container.
Nor the car.

A couple of years ago, hubby, the kids and I headed down to Crownsville for the Ren Fair. It’s about a 2 and a half hour drive. We were going to spend the night down there and then go to my sister’s house the following day for her Labor Day cook out.

I’ve had weight loss surgery, and as a result, have to eat small quantities, frequently. And I need to focus on protein. So I took a Tupperware container of cocktail shrimp to eat on the ride down. They were yummy.

The following week, the car started smelling funky. We figured mold or some such, vacuumed out the upholstery, and bought a car air freshener. In spite of this, the car kept smelling worse and worse.

We had to investigate further. In the space under the passenger seat, we found my Tupperware container, with the shrimp tails still in it.

I didn’t even open it up. Tossed the whole damned thing. Yuk!!

More recently-
We own both sides of a duplex. I have a “main” refrigerator/freezer in my kitchen, but we keep a second one next door so we can stock up on good sales and such.
A couple of weeks ago, I noticed a smell over there.
Well, a couple of weeks prior, the fridge door had been left open a little bit for who-knows-how-long. I decided the smell was probably something that had gotten too warm while the fridge door was open, and the fridge was overdue for a cleaning anyway. I cleaned it out.

The next day, not only was the smell still there, it was worse.
Hmmmm. Curious.
On top of the refrigerator was a styrofoam carry-out container that someone had carried over to put in the fridge and left it on top instead. Or maybe they had taken it out and put it on top to get it out of the way to search for something else. Whatever.

I opened the container. Decomposed food and maggots. Lovely.
At least I got rid of the smell!