OMG. Getting requests from the friend's DOG'S facebook page.

One of my rabbits has one. He plays “-ville” games with my friends, and occasionally posts philosophy quotes rephrased from a rabbit’s POV. He actually received more friend requests than I sent out from his account.

my dogs don’t have a page because I am too lazy to make up posts for them.

one of my favorite “Public Figures” is a elderly pug who has posts written for him (I assume) by his owner The Darked Haired Lady.

she uses the page to urge people to adopt shelter pets and post photos of the old guy. where’s the harm? and his face reminds me of a lot of elderly patients I have treated. :wink:

The Bumblesnot

Have you considered the possibility that THE DOG may have created the FB page? I see amazing animals on the the TV all the time and who’s to say that they didn’t sneak in one night, log on and voila! I suppose the lack of opposable thumbs might be an issue, but at least that feature keeps the cats from killing us all in our sleep…
You are right though, utterly and completely annoying.

Sorry, but Arwen Evenhound needed her own Facebook page. I was getting depressed that most of my status updates were about her, and starting her own page was easier than me getting a life. :smiley:

In my small defense, it’s a “public figure” fan page, not a separate account.

One of my friends made a page for her cat, and wrote dumb-but-evil posts from the cat every now and then. It was pretty funny.

We don’t have a page for our daughter, but a lot of our FB posts are our daughter’s weird things she says, and in general folks seem to appreciate them.

[quote=“smaje1, post:1, topic:640377”]

But a DOG??? You made a facebook page for your DOG??? It’s not like your dog is Boo, the most popular puppy on the Internet, who posts amazing photos and pithy sentiments. Your dog is an unremarkable DOG and I don’t want to be friends with it./QUOTE]
I’d accept the request, but unfriend it as soon as it sends unsolicited cock pics:p

I’d accept the request, but unfriend it as soon as it sends unsolicited cock pics:p

My grandkitty has a FB page. I always look forward to her updates. They are usually hilarious.

Paging **Cicero **and his three-legged cat’s account! :slight_smile:

Yeah, I was wondering that too. Isn’t being in utero pretty much the ultimate level of being with a person? And if mom’s uterus comes with built in high speed internet access, well, frankly it sounds pretty cushy in there. Little embryo should know a good thing when it sees one.

Yeah, but s/he might not share mama’s taste in TV, and can’t reach the remote from in there!

I’m Facebook friends with my college roommate’s cat. Bede is snarky and usually good for a laugh, a good funk video, or a picture of some hot male celebrity.

I’m friends with a Sheltie, AND I don’t even know the owner. It’s fun. I love shelties, this’ll do until I get one.

Lame OP.

I just friended a chicken. (The human has an urban chicken coop and created pages for her chickens. I had to friend the chickens, just so I could say that.)

Some people just don’t know how to enjoy life. And others take Facebook waaaaaay too seriously.

I thought Dogzilla might have a bone to pick with me about this, based on username and all. :wink:

Nah, I’ve got my own bone, thanks. :smiley:

I made a facebook page for my horse. I keep forgetting about it though.

Has anybody heard from Pullet? Haven’t seen her around for ages, it seems.

Both the dogs have Facebook pages, but they don’t friend anyone; people want to friend them. It started as a joke, but when people found out they friended the dogs. I can’t imagine asking someone to be a dog’s friend.

Facebook pages for babies are creepy. My dogs have no expectation of privacy; my child does.