OMG... I feel like death warmed over...

Feverish… sick to my stomach… head pounding like pneumatic drill… feel like throwing up, only the tea is staying down… drained 6 12oz bottles of water over night and one 24oz gatorade… And I’m still thirsty as hell. Everything aches… places I didn’t know had, ache.

And to top it all off… in my delirium and sleeping pill induced haze, I might have said something I shouldn’t have to my ex wife on the phone last night. Serves her right for calling me in this state! :eek: Or maybe I dreamed it. I hope so. I’m afraid to ask. :smack:

My whole family has felt like this (one at a time, thank Og) for the past two weeks. If yours is caused by the same virus as ours, it’s only terrible for about a day and a half, then slowly improves until you feel almost human again.

Hope you feel better soon!

I had these symproms over the weekend but thought it was food poisining. Virus, eh?

Maybe it was a combination… like the bacon flu or something.

So you’re saying that feel up to playing a game of tackle football?

Have you been to the doctor? That bird flu business is very scary. If you wake up with an overwelming urge to crow at dawn, I’d suggest seeing a doctor pronto.

One word. Gravol.


I hope the fever breaks tonight and you feel better soon!

Better today.

Weak and sort of fuzzy in the brain but no fever and feeling like I might want to venture out later today.

Thanks all. :slight_smile:

It worked! :eek:

Glad you’re feeling better. :slight_smile:

Or at least a bird vet.

Had what sounds like the same bug last week, and yeah – it’s a lulu. Glad you’re feeling more yuman, 'Silver!

Good show, QuickSilver hugs :slight_smile:

Are you nuts posting in this condition? You want us all to catch it? My computer doesn’t have virus protection. Creep!
