OMIGOD! I just burped and a little vomit came up with it!

Did somebody post something?

Yeah, Me.

I did.

Just trying to care and got mixed up about where to put this, but worried about a friend.

Sorry if this is the wrong forum.




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More burp-vomit news PLEASE!!

One night while asleep I somehow managed to burp acid right up into my nasal passages and out my nose! Needless to say I woke up in a hurry.
So, I spent the next half hour trying to sniff down enough water to clean the acid out of my nose. Fun night.
Rule 1. Don’t eat lots of carbs just before going to sleep.

I’ve never actually spewed vomit without warning…but if the OP is seriously over the age of consent and has never, ever burped and got a little “extra,” I’m kind of surprised.

I assumed prior to the OP that everybody has had that moment where they burp and they get a little stomach acid/stomach contents in the back of their throat…it doesn’t happen often but it happens to everyone.

Or so I thought. Now I feel like the freak.

It happens to me about once a year or so, when I eat too much. Nothing to do with sweating, beer, water, lack of shade or hanging out “on the range.”

At least I’ve always spewed into a toilet. I may be a freak, but I’m a lucky freak.

In all seriousness, you may have GERD. Look it up, and get checked out.

One time I swallowed too much pool water and I threw up a huge puddle of nasty right as a I walked in the door of the house. My mom was mad.

Quasi, I didn’t see where anyone was ignoring you sweetie. They are just making jokes on the OP. You’re good. :slight_smile:

its the first time it ever happened to me. And I’ve been straight up drunk in 5 different countires at least. I just found it strange and this is MPSIMS, so I mentioned it.

That might explain it.

A few months ago I was co-hosting a party. I drank a fair amount of tequila, but I certainly wasn’t drunk. I did eat more than my fair share of tortilla chips, though. That alone made me full. Then came the enchiladas. I had several. And a bunch of people brought salads, so I had some of those. All of the salt was making me thirsty, so I downed some big glasses of water. By that time was full to the point of being miserable. Oh yeah, I forgot about dessert. Tres leches. Nothing like topping off a stomach full of salsa and tequila with three kinds of milk, plus whipped cream.

After an hour or so of sleep, I woke up a little to cough, and dos leches appeared back in my mouth. I knew what was next, so I got up and emptied my stomach into the toilet.

It was weird.

Would you rather fart and…:wink:

Scope works pretty well for that.

It is probably acid reflux. I have it, and so does my little cousin, but I don’t have it not as bad as her. That happens to her, too. The only thing is I feel sick with it… and you didn’t feel sick at all?

Lila, this happened to Jolly Roger back in 2009. I don’t know if he even remembers one way or the other.

If you’d like to start a new thread about GERD or other problems, you’re welcome to, but this thread is what we call a zombie (it was dead, and now you “revived” it), and will likely generate jokes and comments based on that fact, and not the Original Post (OP)'s topic.

It made me throw up in Manduck’s mouth a little! Sorry, **Manduck **.


The thought of Eve throwing up in Manduck’s mouth made a little bit of wee come out.

Hell, it gave me a yeast infection.

I’ve vomited in the ocean a few times. A mouthful of seawater will do that to you.
I’ve also had happen on more than one ocassion to burp up a moutful of foam when drinking a lot of beer.

I’ve learned never to burp while bending over. Happened to me at work once, and while nothing ended up on the floor, my mouth still felt like ass. Good thing I keep mints in my backpack.

Zombie vomit. That’s the worst kind. Probably had some brains mixed in.