Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

Or anything with fricken’ bones, thank Og. I approve. In fact, I think I’ll reward their good taste by having lunch there today.

Oh, wait.

thank Og for small favors

Could you rephrase that? I’m not sure what you’re trying to say. Are you suggesting the RW media isn’t aware of how conservative Chick Fil A is?

Yup, that was it.

I know a guy that we joke “won’t got on an airplane unless it has two right wings”.

Sorry for the enormous picture

I meant “aware” in the sense of sentience, something I feel we can’t always accuse the RW media of.


Don’t fall into that trap. They know exactly what they’re saying, they’re counting on their audience to be unaware.

So, yes, that was exactly what I meant when I said they’re “attacking one of their own”.
I don’t believe they’d go after Chick Fil A for this so I’m assuming there’s more to it.

Why not? They did the same to Cracker Barrel. Offering a non-meat version is (in the minds of the base) the same as forcing people to eat it.

No, it doesn’t make any damned sense, but that’s nothing new for this crowd.

Wait a few weeks, and they’ll just turn to the next item in the RW outrage machine

Its like healthy eating is supported by democrats, so its bad.:face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Never forget that The Obama administration, spearheaded by Michelle, set nutritional standards for school lunches and the Trump administration rolled it back on Michelle’s birthday. Of course they totally didn’t mean to do it on her birthday. Just like all the other things they totally didn’t mean to do on a specific day, like a Trump Rally scheduled for Juneteenth, totally by accident.

The position seems to be “I want to stuff artery-clogging shit into my carcass, chased by gallons of diabetes-inducing sugar-water and a big slice of cake, because it tastes so good and it makes me feel like a man in front of everyone. And I want my favorite restaurant to give me moral support in my pursuit of failing health and a miserable death by not encouraging prissy vegan-types to sit near me casting withering glares in an effort to compromise my manliness. When they put ‘healthy’ food on the menu, my cheering section gets crowded out by those wrong types.

Stay tuned for the return of indoor smoking.

I forgave democrats for that a long time ago.

Fucker Carlson is pushing that. Nicotine is good, according to him.

If anyone needs a nice gummy, it’s him.

Goes along with “If we allow gay marriage, then it means the same as forcing me to gay marry someone.”

Makes not a lick of sense, but they still think it.

Maybe the GOP should rebrand themselves “The Sausage Party”.

Hey, I saw that movie. They’d have major conniption fits.

Calling back my own take on it, from the other thread:

I refused to go to that movie - you know what they say about watching sausage and politics being made!

Was it good?


But here’s how you know they’re full of shit and this outrage is completely manufactured and entirely meaningless. So long as they can still go to their favorite restaurant, they can still do that. No one is forcing them to eat the fake meat, they can ignore it and get the regular meat.
They would absolutely have a valid point if restaurants switched to beyond meat and didn’t disclose it to the public. They’d be right to be mad (but not to take any legal action) if the restaurant in question (transparently) removed regular meat from their menu and replaced it with Beyond Meat. But I don’t believe that’s the case. So far as I know, they can still order whatever they always ordered.

It goes back to exactly what I said upthread: