Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

[Spock Voice] “They’re pants, Jim, but not as we know them.”[/SV]


Nikki, you don’t need a penis to be President. You do, however, need a spine.

See also here for a cite to the same Nikki Haley article and follow-on comments:

Babbling brook of a lawyer acts like a moron again. Probably just pissed that he is not going to get paid. Unless he was smart enough to demand money up front?

This is the same guy whose home was vandalized, presumably as a political act. Maybe he was pissed about that.

While I think that anybody whose home was illegally vandalized has every right to be pissed, we usually expect somebody like a high-profile lawyer in extremely high-profile historical cases to have enough personal self-discipline to refrain from throwing temper tantrums at random reporters who were AFAIK in no way involved with the vandalism. That’s Trump-type behavior.

Other victims of such vandalism, including Nancy Pelosi whose San Francisco home was defaced with graffiti and a decapitated pig’s head earlier this year, seem able to control their reactions at least to the extent of not taking out their anger on random strangers in entirely unrelated situations.

Maybe it was antifa, or gnomes!

Only if you’re of a darker hue of skin.

Is this the same Individual 1 lawyer who stole Senate labeled coasters from the chamber desk and stuffed them into his briefcase?

Can’t think of much that’s more non-lethal than a squirt gun.

Unless it squirt Holy Water at Giuliani…

Given what we saw at some of the trials, I suspect even regular water might melt Giuliani into a black oily goo substance, like the Wicked Witch of the West.

Water won’t dissolve an oily substance.

I suspect whatever paste or pus or powder acting as a stabilizer to give him a semi-solid form could be water-soluble, and thus may cause him to melt when given enough moisture.

Someone should probably test the theory, but make sure you aren’t wearing nice clothes at the time.

Lindsay Graham is a stupid mother fucker

“Because she actually bailed out rioters and one of the rioters went back to the streets and broke somebody’s head open. So we’ve opened Pandora’s Box here and I’m sad for the country.”

Even if we take your word for what happened, but we cannot because republicans are liars, what you are describing is not a crime. In any jurisdiction anywhere. In the fucking world.

But you know this. Lying cowardly somebitch.

Does that mean that all the Republicans who exonerated Trump the first time are personally liable for everything he did after that? Because that’s mighty tempting…

I think we can take our guidance from this:

Baking a cake for a couple guys who are getting married is participating in their sin, but selling a gun to a guy who mows down a couple dozen school kids is perfectly fine.


He’s a liar, or ignorant, doesn’t matter which.

But no, she didn’t.é-pelosi-pick-to-lead-review-of-capitol-security-ripped-by-republicans-as-extreme-partisan/vi-BB1dO10T

Of course it is partisan, numbnuts.

It is Republicans that gave rioters a guided tour before the uprising. It is Republicans that try to get guns past the metal detectors. Letting them on a security review would be stupid.

We fortunately don’t see too much of Miss Palin these days, probably owing to the fact that her fake piety and virtue was exposed for being the scam that it, and right wing virtue, is. Shit, I would say that her life is like a reality TV show gone off the rails, but if you were to use her real-life family dramas as a script, reality TV program producers would think it’s over the top even for reality/trash TV.

Palin amplifies idiocy by essentially celebrating it. She was basically at the vanguard at the right wing’s social media-era anti-intellectualism. She typifies all of what is wrong about today’s conservatives: she’s never wrong even when facts overwhelmingly demonstrate that she is. She drops misleading posts on FB or twitter and then drops out of sight to admire the information storm she creates.

But where she’s most like conservatives is her victim complex. She can dish out the insults but she sure as shit can’t take even a fraction of it in return.