Omnibus Stupid MFers in the news thread (Part 1)

And get me started on ‘’‘’‘buckeyes’‘’‘’!


Nobody makes shepherd’s pie with real shepherds, anymore.

What’s misleading about buckeyes? We used to snack on those “meat grapes” every time it was deer-hunting season. That brings me back to my childhood… :pleading_face:

I see you weren’t around for the don’t call them “buckeyes” thread.

I joined a year after that, sadly.

Now I’m craving SnappyPuffs.

If everybody does it, then there’s no miscommunication. Wasabi means green colored horseradish. If we don’t want green colored horseradish to be called wasabi anymore, then the government can demand a change in labeling. With a small allowance for exaggeration, nobody in this country has ever even eaten ‘real wasabi’, so what is the benefit to making things labeled wasabi change their name?

I also would like to add that walking into a court of law to say “Duhhhhh… I thought the $0.79 bag of 7-11 snax contained an ingredient that only the most exclusive sushi restaurants in the country can obtain” is a far bigger lie. He was not fooled, or harmed in any way, he knows he wasn’t harmed, as does everyone else, but he’ll keep claiming he was, and YOU and I and ALL OF US have to pay for his fucking lying bullshit grift.

How do you know he wasn’t fooled? Do you think that the fact that wasabi is rarely available and even rarely used is common knowledge?

Do you think that matters? Because I’ll inform you that it doesn’t. Not in a practical nor legal sense.

All those products on the shelves that say “wasabi” might lead to one think it isn’t unavailable or rarely used.

I was responding to the “He was not fooled” statement.

I dare say that if you asked people if they have ever had real wasabi, the percentage of people that say “yes” would be nowhere near zero.

Still irrelevant. Think it through please.

For him to expect it to be “real” wasabi, he would need to know what “real” wasabi is.

If he knew what “real” wasabi was, he’d know it’s not going to be found at 7-11 for under a dollar.

If he didn’t know what “real” wasabi was, then he couldn’t have been fooled, because he was too ignorant to have any other expectations.

It’s an either-or proposition. Either he knows about the rare Japanese wasabi paste or doesn’t. It can’t be both.

Again… This has already been litigated and concluded in another case. You’re not making any arguments that haven’t already been refuted.

And before filing suit, he could have glanced at the ingredient list.

What does it say?

Show me the label, we’ll read it together.

Here is what it says.

“Artificial Wasabi Flavor”

Again, this is all bullshit. Note that the product is called “Wasabi Delight Flavored Snack Mix”, it only claims to have wasabi “flavor”.

Hell, go to Japan and buy “wasabi” and a lot of the time it’s horseradish there as well. This isn’t a uniquely American thing.

That’s quite the nest of parentheses!