Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

I’m not convinced the eight-armed-one is a troll. More likely just a partisan hack who will always support the GOP even if they are all caught, on camera, raping babies. The type who is so insecure, impotent and ignorant that he can’t tolerate having his world view challenged.

Just remember, the ignore list is your friend when it comes to shit-stains like octopuss. Directly engaging isn’t worth a bucket of snot.

This would be a more credible response from you if you had made it consistently. There have been a number of opportunities lately for you to do so. Second, the debate was around whether the story would influence voters, not whether it rose to the standard of proof required for a jury trial. Given the current climate, I think it’s clear that it will influence voters, whether or not you believe it would be seemlier to wait for more information.

Another ignorant potty mouthed poster. :rolleyes:

Raping babies? Really? Damn retard. I’m surprised you haven’t choked on your own drool.

Finally, doubtful you’ll understand this but I might as well try, if I “can’t tolerate” my world view being challenged then why do I post on a forum in which the majority hold and advocate, rather strongly, a point of view different from my own? If I was so insecure and ignorant why would my position on certain subjects change over time?

Hmm… I doubt you’ll have a coherent answer for that,

More consistently? Have you seen me in threads about Weinstein, Bill Cosby, Kevin Spacey, or these other alleged rapists and perverts? They aren’t political. They aren’t great debates. They are random Hollywood actors and producers who have been accused of some nasty stuff.

What do you want me to say about those people? That people shouldn’t vote for Bill Cosby based on allegations before a trial? He’s not running for anything. Should Bill Cosby be able to get work again? I think so if he wants work and isn’t in prison.

What’s the alternative? Deprive people who’ve been accused of a crime a livelihood?

Now. Just so I’m very clear since many in the audience here aren’t too bright. I’m not advocating for rape, molesting, child abuse, sexual abuse, fornicating with spiny desert plants, or any other form of sexual weirdness. Got it? I’m advocating that before people suffer severe consequences to their lives that perhaps some facts should be unearthed.

In the future I’m probably not going to go into every alleged rapist thread, especially when it doesn’t concern politics, and demand a jury trial before a person can offer an opinion since that sort of stuff doesn’t interest me. But on topics that do, i.e. freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of religion I do take the unpopular view all the freaking time.

You folks lean left. So what tends to be discussed on these forums more often then not is what is bothering the left leaning people. But if this were a right leaning forum and people were bitching about let’s say the Communist Party or something crazy like that I’d defend those in the Communist Party the right to speak and gather peacefully.

Why don’t you just go to that right leaning forum? You’re not likely to change any minds here. If that is your aim. If not, what are you here for?

You’re missing the point, again, that it’s not about evidence, or a trial, or proof. It’s about what other people, the people who are voting, are likely to think and do now that this story is out there. Since this point has been made to you several times, I am forced to conclude that you might very well be a troll. You’re not paying attention to what anyone says. You’re more interested in telling everyone what idiots they are. Poor misunderstood you, fighting for truth, justice and the American way. Cry me a river.

Why should I? What’s the point in posting in an echo chamber? Sounds very boring. I think one of the problems in society today is that there isn’t enough proper communication between people who hold differing points of view. Therefore, I like to read what people have to say even and sometimes especially when I disagree with it.

I’ve learned a lot from the people on this forum. Even people I usually vehemently, yet politely, disagree with. My main concern on this forum is that far too many on this forum don’t take disagreement well and they attack the person, deliberately misrepresent a point of view, or engage in some other counterproductive rhetoric. Now, I do appreciate those who debate or discuss issues calmly and rationally.

My guess would be the octoturd is here because he enjoys an audience when he masturbates. Much like Louis CK apparently.

I don’t care what you conclude. It doesn’t mean anything. Oh noes! Sunny Daze on SDMB thinks I’m a troll.:rolleyes:

I do think it’s interesting that in that one particular thread you think that what is posted in that thread has to be very strictly constrained. Quite often threads meander. That doesn’t mean one is trolling.

Of course people are going to vote as they wish. Of course an accusation of feeling up a teenager is going to influence opinion. Now I’m glad people are earnestly discussing that earth shaking concept but in my opinion that’s a no-brainer. A more interesting question is what level of evidence should influence behavior.

You thought of “octoturd” all by yourself? You deserve a cookie.:rolleyes:


FWIW - I don’t think you’re a troll or anything like octopus. In fact, I think you’ve been knocking it out of the park recently. People may not always want to hear it, but sometimes it still needs to be said.

I haven’t checked to see if thirdname is on the list here, but wtf is up with this?

It’s a perfectly normal position. I mean, Louis asked the women if it was okay to masturbate in front of them and they said no and that was the end of it. It’s just something regular ordinary grown-ups do all the time and is in no way gross or creepy or disgusting or fundamentally wrong on every level.

While I had to take a minute to wipe the sleaze off after I read that, it’s not even close to the worst apologia I’ve seen on these boards. I think I’m getting jaded.

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I’m sorry you think that, but it was indeed asked in good faith.

That’s not what you were being criticized for. You asked why those women came forward now, and not earlier – that’s implicitly accusing them of dishonesty. That’s an example of how our culture and society makes it hard for women to come forward and tell their stories – there’s never a time in which someone won’t accuse them of dishonesty and say that they should have come forward in some other way, at some other time. And shame on you for adding to it.

Anyone can tell their story about being mistreated, in any way, and at any time, and they should never be attacked or criticized for it, barring strong evidence they were lying.

Again, shame on you.

Bully? Your memory is deeply flawed. I thought at the time - and still do - that that poster is an AI and called it out. The mods told me to desist so I did. You will have noticed that I have avoided ‘his’ threads ever since.

Anyone got any good Thanksgiving recipes they’d like to share?

Oh yeah, that’s a common one. “Why didn’t you tell us sooner? You should have known better.”

From my grandmother. I was 17.

Gee grams, maybe because I’m smart enough to know my family would handwave it away by any means necessary, just like you did with your own kids? Sounds like I made the right move. Sometimes wish I’d never told the truth, sometimes wish I was still in denial myself. It was a fucking train wreck and all I did was tell a counselor because I wanted to discuss it with someone.

There’s no limit to the shit people will sling at victims. Everybody is a fucking expert on how victims should behave, except those of us with actual experience being victims, what could we possibly know? It doesn’t even matter how many peer reviewed citations you throw out there to support your experience, either. We are a non-entity to the skeptics. If people have some vested interest in protecting their own status quo they will throw you under the bus in a heartbeat. I was not only taught that lesson at a young age I’ve witnessed it happen hundreds of times to other people. It’s fucked up.

How do you feel about polpo alla griglia?