Omnibus Trolls R Us Thread

Well, the puppets do dance, so he gets what he wants.

Then there’s the case of Trump Looooser.:rolleyes:

I fell for posting in his thread in GQ. Did not notice “Join Date May 2016” until after having posted several times. :smack:

Ugh. It’s not even trying to be subtle about it. I know people like playing with trolls, but c’mon - just let this one go.

You’re supposed to spay or neuter them before you release them back in the wild. Otherwise they breed and it’s a worse problem next year.

But…but… I have this one brilliant rejoinder that I’m absatively, posalutely sure will make him shut up. I just know it’s going to work this time!!!

Well, I see you your “shut up” and raise you a “make him see the error of his ways”…

I always picture a Rightie Doper reading my rapier repartée, then shutting off their computer with a sigh … and a tear trickling down their cheek (mourning all those wasted years of wrongheadedness). Then laying down, thinking “Well, what do I do now that all my presuppositions are wrong? I guess tomorrow I’ll head downtown and give all my socks to the homeless, and enjoy my first real day of renewed life, but for now I’ll just rest…”

Trumpy is now claiming that the Trumpster will make the US GDP double every 6 months once he’s in office. Double. Every 6 months.

What are we now, about $17T? That will make us $132Q by the end of Trump’s 1st term. That’s Q = quadrillion.

Troll or imbecile. Or both?

My money’s on “bored teen with no class”.

She started out a bit more subtle (though still annoying) but has definitely ramped it up lately.

My money’s on “banned”.

I’d call you psychic, but your guess came in after the fact.

Go away, kid-you’re scarin’ the marks.

Well, at least nice to see that for once screamingly obvious troll was obvious enough.

Wow! I wonder on what grounds TL got banned? He didn’t break any rules that I’m aware of. (Not that I’ll be shedding any tears or anything)

What rule? Uhhh, the rule against trolling. Did you read his threads?

Most likele sock.

Yes. I’m not so sure he was trolling though. He acts pretty much like I would expect a Trump fan to act like. Unless you want to say Trump fans are by default trolls. Then I guess he would be a troll.

Check out the other thread he started in GD.

There’s a definitive downside to seeking the Obvious Troll is Obvious Award.