It’s been a bad week. Has it been a week? It might be longer, I can’t remember. Anyway, things are kind of getting bad.
My wife and kids were here last week, and the visit went good and bad. It was great to see my wife again, but we argued again, which hurt both of us a lot. My wife was very upset with herself for spending so many of our last days before I left arguing with me or ignoring me. I felt the same way. I knew it would be hard to see her go, and it has been, incredibly so. We spent so much of the time she was here just holding each other not wanting to let go. The kids were completely insufferable. My son especially, who’d wanted to come to Miami so often, instead spent the entire time bitching about everything in sight, wanting to drag all of us to places nobody else wanted to go to (mainly high-end clothing or electronics stores where he knew he couldn’t afford anything), constantly mocking his mom and sister for every perceived flaw, and basically acting like a huge spoiled brat. His sister was a little better but spent most of her time sulking that she didn’t get to spend 24/7 at the beach, even during the rain I guess. Eventually I had to tell my wife, look, I had to put up with this when I lived back there, but I am not prepared to put up with it when I am working a 60-hour week (which included a major meeting I had to lead with the big boss in attendance, while the wife and kids were at my apartment) in a city I have no friends in and barely know. Of course the moment they got back home they told my wife they wanted to go back as soon as possible. I told them they were not coming back until they grew up. I haven’t spoken to them since because I am the biggest meanie in the world, I suppose.
Meanwhile my bipolar disorder has gone out of control. I am mainly in the depressed cycle. On the nights I don’t work late I go home and sleep until about 8, stay awake for another two hours, and then go back to sleep until 7. On nights like tonight when I have to work (past 10 tonight, probably past 10 again tomorrow) I drink as much caffeine as I can and hope I stay awake for the drive home. My life has become so wretched my wife doesn’t want to talk to me anymore. I’m not exaggerating about that—last night she suggested that “maybe things would be better if we communicated less often” because I just have nothing to report other than work and sleep. I haven’t called my dad or other family for the same reason, they want to know all about how my life in Miami is, and I have absolutely nothing to talk about.
Work is just crap. I was trying not to say anything bad about the new place for six months, remembering how bad my old job was, and how I traveled over a thousand miles to get away. But I certainly didn’t sign up for things like back-to-back fifteen-hour days and an office where sometimes it seems that nobody is expected to work except me. My boss keeps telling me “you are the most important person in the office, we really need you to hold things together.” Yeah, maybe because I’m the only person that does anything. And he and the big boss are fond of pulling stunts like “oh, this project due in two days? We need you to do (what amounts to about five days’ solid work) on top of that for the same project and it’s still going to be due in two days–not that we’re even going to use your results, but then we can tell the CEO we’re doing something at least.” My office mates are absolutely horrified, they were told they were going to get a leader who was going to be able to teach them a lot of new things, and I haven’t been able to teach them any of it, and they think they’re next up to be treated like that. I’ve got 24 salespeople who are waiting on data analysis that I simply cannot do thanks to constantly racing to meet impossible deadlines, software that hasn’t shown up two months after it was ordered because our legal department holds up even the most basic contracts, and the inability of the whole organization to comprehend what analysis even is or how it’s done. And I’d love to teach them, but…. Well, my wife’s already told me that she will leave me if I quit my job, so, I’m stuck with that. If I break down here, I break down, but there’s nowhere else I can go.
Needless to say I haven’t been able to put into place any of the good suggestions any of you have made, and I am sorry for that. I was finally able to make an appointment with a psychiatrist to try to get the level of my meds back in order—but it’s not for another month. It was honestly the earliest I could get one, and I had been even considering flying back to my old doctor for an appointment (lack of vacation time scuppered that). I went on a hike over the weekend, but I suppose in my haste to get out of the apartment I forgot that hiking on a paved path in the Everglades is not the same as hiking in a mountainous national forest, and I spent the last five miles in a heatstroke delirium; I still bear blisters the size and shape of a luggage tag on the bottoms of both feet. Walking anywhere this week is out, driving anywhere but to and from work is out as well. I guess it’s OK that I don’t have anywhere to go for a while.
So if anyone can think of anything I can do now to help myself, my god, I’d love to hear it. Assuming, of course, that those solutions don’t involve taking vacation or sick time, which I have almost none; walking or driving anywhere; or seeking alternate employment. Because at the moment I’ve already lost my kids, and my wife is going to be next.