I have been thinking quite a bit about the whole concept of integrity of late and have been struggling somewhat…
From Webster’s via dictionary.com:
It is the second definition of integrity that concerns me - moral soundness. Clearly, integrity is displayed when your actions/deeds match up to your words/beliefs. But the question that I am thinking about is the following: How much is integrity a thing that only exists in the present, and can it be applied to your actions in the past?
If I take a stand that is anti-abortion (to choose a moral issue at random) and then it transpires that I have had (or since I am a male, have paid for my partner to have) an unnecessary abortion (i.e. one that wasn’t performed for a sound medical reason), does that (should that) influence my integrity of character? [sub]Too many parentheses!![/sub]
My gut instinct is that it does - if I have been capable of such an action in the past, then surely I am capable of it again in the future. If this is the case, what hope is there for reform? If my past is always to be held against me, how am I to improve my future? How do I go about getting rid of black marks on my character’s permanent record?
[sub]P.S. This is not really intended as a religious debate - rather a moral one…[/sub]
Hi Grimpixie, interesting question. I think it boils down to your attitude. To continue your example. If you say, “I had an abortion, (or paid for my SO to have one), and going through that made me realize that it was the worst decision I could have made, so I urge everyone thinking about doing the same to please reconsider it carefully. I’m very ashamed of what I did and would seek to spare others of the shame and bad self image I have endured.” That’s one thing. On the other hand, if you say, “I had an abortion, but that was a special case and doesn’t count. No one should be allowed to have an abortion ever again, because it’s wrong. (except for me.)” That’s a whole other thing. I believe it just takes a long time to “live something down” and the more time that has gone by and the more your actions match your words, the more you are sincere in regretting your past mistake, the more integrity you will have in your new views. A persons good name is very fragile, once you tarnish it, it can take a long time to make things right and feel that you are a person of integrity again.
I think a person’s integrity can change. For example, to me, it takes character and integrity to be truthful in a sworn affidavit. I can imagine people who have been less than truthful (OK, they lied) in the past, but now they are totally honest in all of their transactions and dealings.
This is not supposed to be true. Think about people serving a sentence. They supposedly paid their debt. But there is a category of people I have a problem thinking about: pedophiles. Some studies suggest they don’t get rehabilitated and are still a risk.