I have to confess. I am currently reading a Glamour magazine. I have no book in progress at the mo’ – a dire situation that clearly cannot be allowed to stand. So, for the – what, fourth? fifth? time, I ask you, wise and literate (un and il, I’m not picky) Dopers: Whatcha reading? Whatcha think of it? Would you recommend it? Huh? Huh?
Dr. Tatiana’s Sex Advice To All Creation by Olivia Judson.
I think it’s very funny and quite informative. I do indeed recommend it.
I’m extremely bad… I read multiple books at once, it just happens it seems. Right now I’m reading several Neil Gaiman books… and hoping to get money soon so I can raid the local comics store for his Sandman Comics… as well as the first Wheel of Time book and Shadow Moon, the start of the series that takes place after the movie Willow…
I’m working my way through the 15 volume omnibus series of Michael Moorcock’s Eternal Champion series. I’m just about done with book 4, with book 5 waiting in the bedroom. I’m not sure how far I’ll get before I put them aside to reread the Wheel of Time series in preparation for the release of Book 10 in November. Then, I expect the next George Martin book will be released before too long, so I’ll need to reread those…
I’m booked! (Haw haw haw)
I am currently reading House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski, Five Hundred Years After by Steven Brust and The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Cats, Cat Breeds & Cat Care and re-reading The Stand by Stephen King and Pilot’s Choice by Sharon Lee and Steve Miller. I’m never so happy as when I’m in the middle of a half-dozen books.
Well it’s happened again. I lost a whole post. This time I was NOT LOGGED IN!. It has happened so many times now that I haven’t the patience to remember and re-type my whole post. I will just say I reccomend every Terry Pratchett book, every Harry Potter book, High Fidelity (Nick Hornby), All five of the Hitch Hiker trilogy (douglas adams)
I’m somewhere in the middle of the Star Wars New Jedi Order series. I plan on re-reading Slaughterhouse 5 after that.
I’ve just finished Dirt Music by Tim Winton, a West Australian writer whose novels are very firmly attached to the place I live in. It was good, but not as good as Cloudstreet, probably his most famous and IMO his best novel.
I recently got to read a preview copy of A.S. Byatt’s new novel, A Whistling Woman, which hasn’t yet been released in Australia (I love having friends who own a bookshop!). It’s the final book in her ‘Frederica’ quartet. It was FAB!
I’m currently contemplating my bookshelf to decide which of the unread novels is next in line - probably Henry James’ The Wings of the Dove.
I’m also three quarters of the way through Dorothy Dunnett’s House of Niccolo series - two books to go. I stalled halfway through Caprice and Rondo (number 7 in the series) when I tried to read it earlier this year. I think the final two books will have to wait until summer holidays, when I can give them my complete attention for a few weeks.
Of course, I’m also working my way through Robbins’ Pathologic Basis of Disease at the rate of about one chapter per week :rolleyes:
I am currently reading “Evolution Wars a 3 billion year battle”
It’s quite interesting-I like the way it’s written.
I’m reading Modern Operating Systems, a textbook on–you guessed it!–operating systems. Knowing things like that makes me better at my job, and more likely to get promoted.
I am finally reading The Poisonwood Bible, after resisting reading it for a long time. A friend loaned it to me.
Next up: Whatever my book club assigns, and one of the books I’ve had piling up since Christmas. Maybe The Fiery Cross, or Paris to the Moon.
Another several books going at once person here. Recently (in the last few weeks) re-read all the Diana Gabaldons (including Fiery Cross); re-read Hamlet, and since I was about it, also two books about Shakespeare (Shakespeare in The Movies by Douglas Brode, and some literary collection full of essays about Shakespeare I can’t recall the name of.) A friend recommended Miss Lizzie, by Walter Satterthwait, and Confessions of An Ugly Stepsister, by Gregory Maguire, so I read those, too. Today I finished reading The Angel of Darkness, by Caleb Carr.
Next on my list: Hard Eight by Janet Evanovich and Wicked by Gregory Maguire, and I’m patiently waiting for Nora Roberts’ next Eve Dallas (JD Robb) book.
Richard Brautigan’s Trout Fishing in America
Currently I’m rereading ‘Will There Really Be A Morning?’ by Frances Farmer, definitely worth a read if you can track down a copy. It’s pretty horrific in parts, but overall it’s an amazing book.
Just because I haven’t gotten to the library lately…
All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot. I had just finished rereading the Masters of Rome series by Colleen McCullogh. (Anyone know when October Horse is coming out?)
Skeptical Environmentalist by Bjorn Lomborg and Years of Rice and Salt by Kim Stanley Robinson.
Sailors to the End: The Deadly Fire on the USS Forrestal and the Heroes Who Fought It by Gregory Freeman, who posts here on the SDMB as GregAtlanta. This book is excellent, and I highly recommend it. I was in the Navy for 7-1/2 years, and saw the training film about the Forrestal fire many, many times, so I was familiar with what had happened, but the book gives a far more in-depth look at the story, and tells the personal stories of many of the sailors who were on her. I was sick in bed on Friday and got through about 3/4 of the book, because I couldn’t put it down. http://www.sailorstotheend.com/
Right now, I’m reading Words and Rules, a terrific study of the structure of langage by Steven Pinker. My boyfriend’s parents gave me I’m Just Here for the Food, by Alton Brown, the guy who hosts Good Eats on Food Network. I’m also reading a collection of James White’s Sector General medical SF, Alien Emergencies. Yeah, I’m one those several-books-at-a-time folks.
I just picked up a copy of Gregory Maguire’s most recent book .Lost. I have no idea what it’s about but I read and loved both Wicked : The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West, and Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister–they were great!
I recently finished Death’s Jest Book part of the Dalziel and Pascoe police procedural mystery series by Reginald Hill and it was great! Although, I’m in the U.S. and it hasn’t been published here yet so I had to order it from Amazon in the UK–and, as a side note, I ended up paying less for a new hardcover including shipping, than I would if I’d bought it from a bookstore here.
Night of the Avenging Blowfish by John Welter - “A novel of covert operations, love and luncheon meat”