One less cat

Well, damn. Jezabel passed this morning at about 230 from what appeared to be old age and congestive heart failure [a couple weeks ago she had an episode of edema in her paws and legs that we were able to resolve with furosemide in a tiny cat sized dose]

16 years was a pretty good run.

I’m sorry for loss.

Yes, 16 is a good run. My last cat made it 16.

I had a cat named Vladimir, that I adopted when he was 11, he lived to be 16. I hope he can say “Hi” to Jezebel. It’s so had to lose a pet, I’m sorry for your loss.

I’m sorry for your loss. :frowning:

She was a very pretty cat.

Hugs. There is nothing else to say. I know you gave that cat a great wonderful life.

Well 230 is a good age by any measure. She sounds like she had a decent life.

What a pretty girl. I’m so sorry. Even if we know they had a good long life it’s still so hard to lose them.

They never live long enough, do they? {{{ }}}

Please accept my condolences. Cats are such wonderful companions and friends and they’re hard to lose.

I’m sorry. She was a pretty thing.

Maybe she and Slick will hook up over the Rainbow Bridge:

He made it to 17.

So sorry. We lost our 17-year-old cat last year. It’s hard to lose them.

I’m so sorry. We had to say goodbye to our nearly-16-year-old cat last month. It’s never easy.

I’ll ask Tenshi to say hello and show Jezabel around.

Thanks all - she can join all the other pets mrAru and I have lost over the past 25 years [well he and I both have had pets all our lives] and it never gets any easier to lose one.

My condolences. What kind of cat was she? I mean character, rather than breeding…

It is hard. RIP.
Janis “Take a Piece of My Heart” comes to mind.

hugs :frowning:

I’m so sorry. Even sixteen years isn’t long enough. :frowning: