Dear Pointy-haired ex-Boss:
One year ago today, you laid me off. That was the single most traumatic day of my life, surpassing even the deaths of my parents, and setting off a chain of events that I still have not recovered from fully.
As I sit here, I have to fight myself to keep the bile and venom out of this missive. No amount of swearing, insults, and taunts will make up for the financial hardships, the clinical depression, and the anger I’ve experienced over the last year. Neither will I come close to putting in print anything that resembles a threat, simply because you’re not worth it.
So, you ask, why am I sending this to you? The answer is easy; to thank you for laying me off. Because of what you did, I was forced to look for employment, and I found my dream job. I am back in Civil Service, for the agency that is the ultimate dream employer for a technical type like me.
I’m now working with people who respect my opinions and skills, which never happened there. I’m working with people who encourage me to pursue my educational goals, not the politically correct educational vision of my former management. I’m working with some nifty new technology, in a leadership position, which would never have happened there. And, I’m working with people from your employer in a healthy contractual relationship, without any hard feelings. I’m happy to go to work each day.
Face it, I was not long for that job. I was miserable for quite some time, and I hated to come in to the office each morning. Had I finished my degree when I anticipated, I would have been actively job hunting and likely quitting now. You merely cut me loose a year before I was going to be leaving under my own power.
So let me reiterate, thank you. You did me several evils, and I’m better off. Prosperity truly is the best kind of revenge.
Sorry, no cussing. I’m considering actually sending this to him.