Ooctober 12 - Australia's Sept. 11

Actually, I want to apologise for my snarky post here of a few days ago.

I was in one of my Anti-American Moods [sup]TM[/sup] (:D) after reading some threads about the righteousness of gun-ownership when I decided to re-open this thread to check the posts…and my dander was up.

However, my comments here were uncalled for and bitchy, and I humbly apologise for suggesting that American SDMB’ers lack empathy with tragedies in other parts of the world. I KNOW that is not true, but at the time when I wrote the post my reason and rationality was taking a walk in the garden.


I just wanted to add that one of the big players in this atrocity has been detained. Hambali (AKA Riduan Ismuddin) was captured several weeks ago in Thailand. In other news, a major Jemaah Islamiyah figure, Fathur Roman Al-Ghozi, was killed in the Philippines earlier this week.

You can run, but you can’t hide.

Thank you, kambuckta. That shows some real class.


Sorry, I didn’t see this until now…I tend to be oblivious of current events unless beaten over the head by them (as we were by 9/11, though I could not have been oblivious to that anyway). I do remember this event, though, even if I wouldn’t have remembered the date. My sympathies to everyone who lost someone in that tragic event.