Opening PC JPEGs from Photoshop on a Mac

I’ve got some JPEG images (probably from a PC) that I need to open in Photoshop (on a Mac) and save them as PDFs. If I simply double-click on them, I can “save as” a different file name, but not a different format. If I try to open them from Photoshop I get a message saying:

“Could not open “x” because an unknown or invalid JPEG marker type is found.”

Is there any way around this, short of printing and rescaning them?

Interestingly, if you are using OSX, the “save as PDF” option is in the Print dialogue box.

Open the JPEG with Preview, go to File: Print… and then click “save as PDF”.

If you aren’t using OSX, then I think you have to have the full version of Adobe Acrobat creator, in which case I would guess you can open up the JPEG with that, and save it as a PDF.

I’ve run into this a few times with some MPEG movies, too. I think it’s caused by the original program using some variety of encoder that isn’t found on the Mac.

So what you do with these JPEGs is run and get yourself a copy of Graphic converter:

GC will open amost anything. It will even open damaged images. Sometimes you’ll download an image, and something gets messed up during the download; Photoshop won’t touch it, but Graphic Converter will open it right up. It may give you some kind of warning, but it will show you what it can. The damaged portion of the image, usually at the bottom of the image, will show as solid gray, but at least you’ll be able to see what the image is (if it’s not totally wrecked, anyway).

I’ve found if you simply delete the .jpg at the end of the filename, it opens just fine on a Mac. As well as adding .jpg when transferring it from PC to Mac. It’s not a foolproof way but that’s how I’ve always done it.

err I mean adding .jpg when transferring from a Mac to a PC. It’s too early to think :stuck_out_tongue: