photoshop no longer opening my pix

Using Adobe, as I have for years, I’m getting an error message saying

WTF? It opens fine straight from my hard drive, but I’d like to use some of the doo-dads in photoshop.

EDIT: D’oh! forgot to change “open as” to “jpeg”–Mods, close please.

Okay, here’s what I wold try, in this order.

  • Either reset the computer or go to task manager and close everything related to Adobe or Photoshop.
    -Make sure PS can open other JPEGs.
    -Try changing the name of the file.
    -Try opening the file in paint and editing in. Even something very small, like get the pencil and make a little dot in the corner or make the smallest crop you can if it won’t make difference. Just something so that PS now sees it as a different file.
    -Open the file in paint and save it as a BMP and try opening that.
    -Lastly, try Googling the error. (BTW, I didn’t look at those results, I have no idea if they’ll contain your solution)
    -Bump thread with success story, or let us know it didn’t work.
    -Send jpg to one of the many dopers the will no doubt offer to try and open it on their own PC.