Opinion/Experience with Edmund's.com?

I bought a new car last fall & made sure I did the requisite research on Edmunds.com & in Consumer Reports.

Well, after I bought my car I really wasn’t happy with it.
The mileage per gallon was better than what my previous car had gotten, which was the biggest factor in my choice, but the handling did not compare with my previous car. So after a few months of driving it, I reviewed it on Edmunds.com & gave my honest opinion, without inflammatory language, about the model’s drawbacks.
Well, Edmund’s.com never posted my review. I was surprised & felt like I should never have gone to Edmund’s.com in the first place to read customer reviews.
Especially since Edmond’s now tries to steer people into getting e-mails from local dealerships.

Is my experience unusual?
Why or is Edmund’s.com well regarded? Especially if they only post positive reviews of cars & are not an unbiased forum?

Can anyone recommend other websites that post all opinions, good and bad, for people considering buying new cars?

I didn’t choose to post to the pit, because if people have reasons Edmund’s.com is a good site to use, I am open to changing my mind.