Opinions of PriceWatch.com

I’m thinking about gutting out my computer (again) and upgrading.

The only problem is that this time I’ll need to replace just about everything in the system, so I’m looking to save as much money as possible.

I’ve looked at PriceWatch.com many times, but I’ve always hesitated to buy from any of the merchants listed there.

Has anyone ordered from the site and, if so, how’d things go?

They have good prices and give a good idea of price range, but I usually just shop one of the places I know like NewEgg.com. I don’t have the patience to order from 10 different places.

I would like to second the NewEgg.com testimonial. You’ll find their stuff through pricewatch, and while their prices might not be the rock bottom lowest, they are always close enough that I don’t worry about it. Especially since I know that I’ll definitely get my stuff and it will all work fine. I got burned on a hard drive from another online company found through pricewatch and I had to chalk it up to lessons learned. When I built my machine New Egg was slightly higher on the MB (by $5 or so), slightly lower on the processor, etc. . . It all evens out, and I only had one shipping charge rather than 5 or 6.

A third vote here for NewEgg.com. I have absolutly no problems with them, and their prices always near the lowest you will find.

I’ve never had a problem with a Pricewatch merchant, and I’ve always sworn by PW as a source of comparison info.

That’s not to say I haven’t avoided retailers whose operations appeared a little shady. I use common sense, and haven’t been burned yet. knock on wood

When I order a lot of things at once, I use PW to find the retailer with the lowest total price, rather than ordering from the company with the lowest price on each item. I’d much rather pay a few percent more to do all my shopping in one place. You almost always come out ahead in shipping, anyway, when dealing with one place.

Although, free shipping seems to be more commonly offered than it was a few years ago.

Just to praise NewEgg, I’ve bought stuff from em three or four times, and it always arrives quickly. I got a bad hard drive from em once and they took it back and gave me a new one with no problem. I did have to wait a week or two for it to get there and get back here, but that’s shipping for you.

I use merchants I find through PriceWatch for almost all my purchases. As others have said, I steer clear of any whose web sites give me the feeling that maybe they’re up to something shady. It’s hard to go wrong with companies like NewEgg and Comp-U-Plus, though.

I use Fatwallet.com Techbargains.com or Xpbargains.com they have all the latest scoop on the best deals PLUS coupons. Also ecost.com has a lot of nice computer deals in their bargain countdown section.

Dell is pretty cool. Those sites should have dell coupons.

If you use Pricewatch, you have to use it in conjunction with www.resellerratings.com.

Or just shop at NewEgg and not worry about it.

Thanks, everyone, NewEgg it is.

I used to buy everything from Egghead.com and NECXDirect.com before they started to change hands every year or so.

NECXDirect wasn’t bad when Gateway owned it, but it’s gone to shit ever since.

Egghead is now owned by Amazon and, aside from being expensive, they seem to be just another RAM store.

I haven’t had problems with Pricewatch, but as audilover said, I use common sense when I purchase. Most of the time now, I shop either at tcwo.com or newegg.com. I prefer tcwo.com because I really like their customer service, but I’ve bought a few items from newegg.

I’ll also suggest MWave as a parts supplier. First rate on my upgrade.

I like PriceWatch but I don’t necessarily buy the cheapest version of an item. I take the vendor into account.

I tried NewEgg for the first time over the summer and they were fine, no problems at all. Before that, I bought everything from MWave, as Belrix mentioned. They shipped stuff to me when I lived on the East Coast, but now since I’m in LA, I can hop on the freeway and pick up my loot in person at their warehouse.

archmichael is right about using resellerratings.com as a companion to pricewatch.com. Very good advice.

Sometimes on pricewatch you get prices lower than the store website has. In that case, email the store website about the pricewatch price & they should match it.